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What is it that makes your life worth living?

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theres a few things that make my life worth livin------


firstly my son who's smile lifts my day everytime he smiles at me


secondly my friends who all make me smile and cheer me up when i have had days where i dont see things gettin better ever


thirdly my quilifacations that ive worked hard nd have been through hell to get over the years!!!


fourth i suppose i should realy put my family down but im not cos they make my life worse not better theres only one that i like lol the fourth would have to be my big sister della who as taught me so many things over the years that no school or course can teach someone and who has always been there for me when my parents wernt and has also got me outta sone serious trouble on more than one occasion and never complained that im a pain or a waste of time botherin with.

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Well i am an eternal optimist. Though this year could of been better (this week topped it off!!) i'm optimistic next year will be better. Its cant get worse!!


As i've mentioned too many times this week on too many threads i seriously screwed up with someone i liked but i believe there must be a reason. I just need to find it:suspect:

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well i think my meaning of live would be love and being in love and yeah sometimes i make daft mistakes but my love for the person i love will never change and for my family and friends and being who i am i guess as i like to be there for others and try and make other peoples lifes better when possible and try and bring a bit of happiness and joy to others

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Originally posted by FilthFan

When you hear the birds in a springtime morning, smell the air on a warm countryside morning, see the baby animals running around in spring/summertime and finally when you experience love. That's when you know life is worth it.

Yeah right, have you never heard of bird flu, air pollution, toxoplasmosis and herpes? **** that I’m stopping in!!!
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