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Page for five-a-side players/teams to link up

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Hello forum footballers


after several threads about people organising games and nothing seeming to come of them, me and a buddy have taken the plunge and set up our own team at Goals on Wednesday nights.


We have a match this week and having spoken to the chap that runs the league he is going to try and get us into a league as soon as possible and has placed us in a mini league of new teams for the time being. We are playing a grading match this wednesday so am looking for people who may be interested in playing regularly for us or are available the odd week (Wednesdays). I want to try and build a list of reliable people and maybe organise some friendly kick about's to run along side this team.


Specifically after someone who would be interested in playing in goal, or at least sharing goal duties with myself on alternative weeks.



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The cost per game for goals is 27.50per team. We are looking to get 6 (so one sub) so thats just over £4.50 per person as we don't want people stood about not getting a game etc.


Do you play for New Boh then? I thought I recognised that name and its because their is an article of your team on the South Yorkshire Amateur for winning the cup but I notice your not in the league anymore as thats what I play in this year.

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tomorrow (wednesday 23) is our first match! @ 7.45pm


we only signed up sunday and we are playing our grading match tomorrow which is to see what standard we are and where we should end up. Bit of a ramshackle team at the moment although I have a few others that can make it in the future but were caught out by the short notice.


If you are interested your more than welcome to come tomorrow and play and then see if you want to join us every week or when you can. Will Pm you my number.

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Hi, where is this goals place? I'm new to the area and have just started playing (last sunday was my first training session) with the lads at Hillsborough FC, but would like one more game during the week to play.


I'm carp at the moment though because I'm just coming back from injury.

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