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New 3ds handheld logs flash cart use


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Strangest thing for me, when i dared mention the dreaded name "R4" my thread was immediately deleted. :suspect:
I suppose it depends whether your thread was about e.g. how to get hold of one, how to use it, where to get 'stuff' for it, etc. (in which case a thread deletion appears entirely justified, under Forum rules), or a genuine discussion about its legality. And whether that thread was before or after the Court case which finally decided that they were illegal in the UK.
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I can't remember to be honest, but pretty sure it was someone asking if they work in a DSI, i said something like "dunno, but i'll sell you mine for £20 so you can find out".

Didn't list the games either.

Ah well, there you go, Sherlock! :rolleyes::hihi:
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Yeah but, R4's are not illegal, well no more than people discussing the legalities of a flash card here.


Yes, they are in the UK (sample source, there are hundreds more).


Or you could ask Yuncan Meng, who is still doing time in Hull HMP (I think...unless he's been out on good behaviour since). He got 1 year back in July 2010 for importing and selling them.


Here's an article I contributed to (at the author's request), discussing the R4 issue in some depth (hopefully not too over reader's heads).


So any company can randomly brick your device as they please? Bull.
Not randomly. Read the posts. Understand them. (PS: do you have any more vocabulary than 'bull' :huh:) Edited by L00b
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Not even amazon got away with remotely modding peoples book collections, so do you really think nintendo are going to get away with bricking a games console just because they don't like what carts you use? not gonna happen.
What I think doesn't matter one bit.


I have only explained the 'how' and 'why' to you, about Nintendo's legal choices (the same as any other manufacturer of closed platform devices).


It's what Nintendo thinks (and, more importantly, eventually does) that matters.


I don't work for Nintendo, I don't have a 3DS, I don't use flashcards, so what do I care :P

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