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There is a fairly large Mormon community where I live and I've met several Mormons over the years and worked with a few. They may pay tithes to the their church but they take care of their own. You'll never see a Mormon begging on the streets or abusing alcohol or taking drugs


That's total hogwash and rubbish Harley, as well you know... There are drug addicts and beggars who have come from the Mormon church just like there are drug addicts and beggars who have come from the Baptist church, the Episcopal Church, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, paganism, or whatever faith. Drug addiction can affect anyone, of any faith, of any gender, or any class.

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Christianity has a good set of rules.

Some people break the rules.

People who break the rules are at fault, not Christianity.

People who follow rules that are different from those of Jesus cannot be properly be called Christians.

yet you lump ALL muslims into the same group as the extremists, even if their version or view of islam is different, thats what gets me, its one law for them and one for your beloved christianity

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America is the one that immediately springs to mind. (well, no, that's far too too sweeping, I'll qualify that by saying there are many areas in the US where if you are anything but Christian, you are immediately considered "Suspect", IE if you are Emo, Muslim, pagan...)


Oh for goodness sake, you know that's not the point I was making. Can you actually name one Christian state or secualr majority Christian state where Islam is banned and there is real persecution of people who convert to or practice christianity?


Sikhs, Jews, Hindu's and many Muslims are part of the fabric of society and are very succesful in the US. And BTW, when did emo become a religon?

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That's total hogwash and rubbish Harley, as well you know... There are drug addicts and beggars who have come from the Mormon church just like there are drug addicts and beggars who have come from the Baptist church, the Episcopal Church, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, paganism, or whatever faith. Drug addiction can affect anyone, of any faith, of any gender, or any class.


True, in psychology the distribution of personality types are quite evenly distributed across all geographic locations, races, religions, trades, etc, etc...

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yet you lump ALL muslims into the same group as the extremists, even if their version or view of islam is different, thats what gets me, its one law for them and one for your beloved christianity


You mean I lump them together like political parties with different agenda?


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depends what you mean by christian and other religions, the troubles in ireland is the last, apart from that its still not without its problems, doesnt matter if its the past or not.....it happened.

most muslims DONT go round bombing people but constantly take the flak


That was secteriansism not religion. Throughout the troubles there remained an active protestant church of Ireland where protestant's were free to worship. Similarly Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc have never been prevented from practicing their religion in the Republic of Ireland.


If you want to go back to the point where Catholics weren't allowed to hold public office or property you have to go right back to the seventies or early eighties so as I said it's in the past.

Edited by Max the Cat
missed an s
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Don't be silly. People become Christians of their own free will.


You've never heard of "Rice Christians" then Grahame? or the "Religion of the Yellow Stick"?


Rice Christian:-

(Wiki) A rice Christian is someone who has formally declared himself/herself a Christian for material benefits. It is usually not for religious reasons. The term is often used pejoratively. The related phrase rice Bible is also used to describe the type of mission.


The term comes from Asian countries, such as India, in which local populations suffering economically under Western colonialism and unequal treaties nominally converted to Christianity in hopes of getting food from Christian missionaries. Concerns have been expressed both by Christian missionaries and by those opposed to Christian missions that people in these situations are nominally converting to Christianity in order to receive charity or material advancements


Yellow Stick:-

The religion of the yellow stick (Scottish Gaelic: Creideamh-a’ bhata-bhuidhe) was a facetious name given to the forced "belief" of certain churchgoers in the Hebrides of Scotland. Such actions, however, were not unique to the Hebrides, but occurred in other parts of Scotland in sterner times.


A Coll priest of former times was accustomed to drive recalcitrant natives to church by a smart application of his walking stick; those who yielded were thus said to come under Creideamh-a’ bhata-bhuidhe.


Another version says that Hector (Scottish Gaelic: Eachann) the son of Donald MacLean of Coll, was the one who applied the yellow stick. Hector was laird in 1715, and as the religion of the yellow stick was introduced into Rùm in 1726, it is beyond doubt that Hector was the author or propagator of it. He was dignified in appearance and stern in manners, and could no doubt wield the yellow stick gracefully and with efficiency. Dr Samuel Johnson, on his famous journey round the Hebrides (1775) encountered the story; in Rum he said that there were


"fifty-eight families, who continued Papists for some time after the Laird became a Protestant. Their adherence to their old religion was strengthened by the countenance of the Laird’s sister, a zealous Romanist, till one Sunday, as they were going to mass under the conduct of their patroness, MacLean met them on the way, gave one of them a blow on the head with a yellow stick, I suppose a cane, for which the Earse had no name [actually untrue], and drove them to the kirk, from which they have never since departed. Since the use of this method of conversion, the inhabitants of Egg [sic] and Canna, who continue Papists, call the Protestantism of Rum, the Religion of the Yellow Stick."


David Livingstone whose ancestors came from Ulva near Mull and Staffa said:


"Our ancestors were Roman Catholics; they were made Protestants by the laird coming round with a man having a yellow staff, which would seem to have attracted more attention than his teaching, for the new religion went long afterward, perhaps it does so still, by the name of the religion of the yellow stick".


The "yellow stick" in Livingstone's description may be a reference to the Bishop of Lismore's crozier or baculum, in Gaelic the "Bachuil Mor" or staff of Saint Moluag, the patron saint of the Clan MacLea

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If murder is forbidden in Christianity would you like to explain the Holy Crusades?


denlin, ask Grahame about the philosophy of the CHRISTIAN leader, Almaric:-


(but seeing as you'll not get a straight answer,I'll give you the information:-


Arnaud (or Arnau) Amalric (died 1225) was a Cistercian monk remembered for giving advice during the Albigensian Crusade to a soldier wondering how to distinguish the Catholic friendlies from the Cathar enemies to just "Kill them all. For the Lord knows them that are His."

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You've never heard of "Rice Christians" then Grahame? or the "Religion of the Yellow Stick"?


Rice Christian:-

(Wiki) A rice Christian is someone who has formally declared himself/herself a Christian for material benefits. It is usually not for religious reasons. The term is often used pejoratively. The related phrase rice Bible is also used to describe the type of mission. <snip>


You have hit the nail on the head. These people are only calling themselves Christians for what they can get out of it.


This is what I have been trying to say. There are lots of people like that who call themselves Christians when they are not. Including Almaric.


Edited by Grahame
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That's total hogwash and rubbish Harley, as well you know... There are drug addicts and beggars who have come from the Mormon church just like there are drug addicts and beggars who have come from the Baptist church, the Episcopal Church, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, paganism, or whatever faith. Drug addiction can affect anyone, of any faith, of any gender, or any class.


But Plain Talker you have not said once where in the world there is a Christian state that actively legislate to persecute people of other religions. You're just avoiding the question. Name one.

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