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Sheffield charity needed for my workplace to support


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Hi All


At my work we are looking for a local charity who could benefit from not only money but man hours too.


We need a local charity that maybe doesn't get the help it needs.


Any ideas please add to this post and any details of how we could help the charity.



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what sort of skills do your team have? what would you like to do to help?


the most recent charity that i have had contact with is city hearts based at the megacentre on bernard road.


they provide a residential programme for women overcoming serious life issues such as drug and alcohol addictions, self harm, unplanned pregnancies, depression and eating disorders. The project also provides a refuge for women coming out of prostitution and exploitation.


i have to admit, ive been loath in the past to support charities with a religious connection, however, i have made an personal exception with this charity.




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I work for a charity called 'Sheffield Mencap and Gateway'


Although we have Mencap in our name, we are only affiliated to them and are a local charity who are totally responsible for our own fundraising.


We support children and adults with learning disabilities through various different projects, along with family carers.


We are always looking for help, whether that be through donations or people volunteering.


Have a look at our website and see if this is something that interests you. If it doesn't, then good luck. It's great that you are lookng to support a local charity!



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