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Yorkshire flag's origins

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Thanks to you all for your comment's, so lets get this clear when I was younger I am mistaken in thinking that I remember the flag [ probabably on car stickers or such ] being a black background, I even seem to remember yorks cc caps being black. Blimey think the old grey cells are dieing !!.....


Firstly I'm not saying your wrong, as the resources I have access to are by no means definitive. However the blue backgrounded flag has apparently been 'semi official' since the sixties (and was in fact invented then). It became official in the late nineties/ early noughties I believe. The black background may have been an early variant but I have yet to find it and it was not one of the three 'official' choices for Yorkshire flag.


As to Yorkshire Cricket Club wearing black caps I had a look at this and an early black and white image certainly has them in a dark coloured cap that could have been black. Perhaps this was the reason for the variation and the black backgrounded version was a YCC variant? Just a guess. If so they dont use it any more, or in fact any variant of that logo (as far as I can tell).



On a tangent and related to my previous posts I've discovered that the historic arms of the West Riding has three Sun in Splendour/ White Rose combinations! They were hedging their bets on what was the symbol for Yorkshire!

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Thanks to you all for your comment's, so lets get this clear when I was younger I am mistaken in thinking that I remember the flag [ probabably on car stickers or such ] being a black background, I even seem to remember yorks cc caps being black. Blimey think the old grey cells are dieing !!.....


Yorkshire crickets caps have always been navy blue as long as I can remember.

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As a non-Yorkshireman, it seems to me far more likely that Leeds adopted the colours of blue and white because they represent Yorkshire, than the other way around.


Although, weren't Leeds United's original colours blue and yellow, before Revie had the lunatic notion that the reason for Real Madrid's massive success in Europe was simply the colour of their kit?

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Is this the sun in splendour you speak of??




Not that I'm an expert on the house of York, But, I do happen to have a tea towel bought for me on a day trip to York..

It commemorates the War of the roses 1455-1485 and at the bottom are three flags for the house of york,and one is the sun in splendor with the white rose in the center (as in the flag above),but without the red cross and on a black back ground.

Underneath is the legend.

"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York"


Classy or what:heyhey:

Edited by grinder
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As a non-Yorkshireman, it seems to me far more likely that Leeds adopted the colours of blue and white because they represent Yorkshire, than the other way around.


Although, weren't Leeds United's original colours blue and yellow, before Revie had the lunatic notion that the reason for Real Madrid's massive success in Europe was simply the colour of their kit?


I would agree with you on the first point.


The second point is nearly true and Leeds did adopt the Real kit - but think it was because Revie wanted Leeds to emulate Real's success rather than thinking Real's success was simply down to the colour of their kit.


Swansea Town (as was at the time) had been wearing all white for decades without achieving earth shattering success.

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For those who cares by similar logic Sheffield's colours should be red and black I believe.


Please don't let the people who designed the Sheffield Tartan see this..


Back to the drawing board.....:nono:

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As a non-Yorkshireman, it seems to me far more likely that Leeds adopted the colours of blue and white because they represent Yorkshire, than the other way around.


As a Blade I'd say it was more likely because they couldn't live with United..:hihi:

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