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Computer alarm sounding when on bejeweled blitz


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It's driving me nuts. Everything was fine until a week or two ago, when after around 5 games the pc started to sound an alarm (it's not the game sound as I have no sound on my computer), which wouldn't go off until I closed the computer down.


It's now got to the stage where it sounds during the first game. I've never heard the alarm before, and I don't think the pc is overheating or anything like that because it only ever happens when I'm on the facebook version of BB.


Any suggestions as to what I could do about it would be great.

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If it's a beeping/siren/whatever from inside the actual PC case then chances are it is overheating & your processor fan is knackered, some systems do this when they overheat.


When it's just running Windows it's basically idling, & doesn't generate much heat. When you run anything that puts the CPU load up it generates more heat, when your motherboard detects the CPU going over a certain temperature it'll do the noise.


Easiest way to find out, take the side off your PC, turn it on & see if the CPU fan is going round. If it isn't get it replaced.


Assuming that's what you need you can get one from a PC shop for under a tenner, they shouldn't charge you too much to fit it for you. if you want to buy one & fit it yourself then tell us what processor you've got, different motherboards (or more accurately different processor sockets) have different fan mounting methods.


Even if you're pretty sure it's not overheating check this first, every other explanation won't actually kill your processor, this one can.

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Thanks for your reply - I think you are spot on. When I checked my CPU usage during a BB game it went to maximum. Can't get the side off the pc and still have it connected so I think I will go and get a new fan on Monday.


My brother build the pc a few years ago so I will contact him re the motherboard/processor type.


Thanks for your help. Think I will stay off BB until it's sorted.


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I wouldn't recommend using the of at all because you still run the rusk of the CPU overheating regardless of what your doing (ok the risk is lower the less you do, but it's still a risk) and if it gets to a certain point it could just give up then cost of repair will be far more than a tenner or so!

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I wouldn't recommend using the of at all because you still run the rusk of the CPU overheating regardless of what your doing (ok the risk is lower the less you do, but it's still a risk) and if it gets to a certain point it could just give up then cost of repair will be far more than a tenner or so!


Aaargh!! Logging off now. Part ordered so will shut down till I get it. Thanks Steeve and Ghozer.


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