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Time to scrap the minimum wage

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The Rac lost 3 memberships in our house alone due to the joke of Indian call centres and don’t even think of calling a Indian call centre for help with your PC, here are a few more for you.


Most major world wide companies can afford to pay the minimum wage its only £5.80 for an employee over 22 years old. The reason why they moved work abroad is simply to save money & exploit people!

Where I used to work, I would have conversations with people in India who were qualified Doctors & people with degrees in Architecture. They were working for the bank because they could earn more money in a call centre! How backwards is that?!?.... It's got nothing to do with the minimum wage though, otherwise everyone in the UK who worked for the bank would be on minimum wage also & I can assure you they get paid much more!


This thread is ridiculous!!

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I wonder if the OP would care to practice what he preached, by living on something under the minimum wage.


A social experiment, starring gordon, we give him a job where he earns about £3.50 an hour and then see how he copes trying to survive :D

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I am fine with minimum wage being scrapped as long as...


1) Companies are willing to adopt genuine profit share schemes. Workers, as far as possible, ought to be remunerated based on capital growth and not treated as rented tools (i.e. wage labour).


2) I would also want to see a basic income initiated by the state, after setting up a national bank whereby the interest is returned to the treasury and then distributed to each household in the form of a citizens dividend. This has been supported by several prominent Nobel economists. Investors and bankers would be paid (generously) on performance, but there would be no external shareholders taking wealth out of the real economy via the usurious system of compound interest that we currently operate today.


The more strain we can take off business (at least business that is run ethically), the better, but it must be replaced with a system that ensures our people have the purchasing power to buy back their own production. Without this, the economy will collapse, and the companies who thought they would benefit from throwing their workers as few crumbs as possible would soon realise they have failed to see the bigger picture.

Edited by epiphany
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GB seems to be confused with call centres being moved abroad - it isn't because they are non-profitable businesses trying to make ends meet, they are on the whole already profitable companies trying to make even more profit.


And the reason they can be moved to India is because the cost of living is lower, so paying the equivalent wages over here wouldn't be enough to live on.


GB just puts things on here for a reaction. We should stop commenting so this stupid thread drops to the bottom of the page!

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The mimimum wage needs to be increased. When people have money in their pockets then they can afford to buy more consumer goods, TVs Cars, Dvds ect. This then gets manufacturing going and help get us out of recession.


If the wealthy get even richer they spend the money on holiday homes in other countries.


Exactly right . well put.


put more money in peoples pay packets ,and the economy will flourish as a result . its a win win situation.


But it dosn`t fit in with GORDON BENNET`S idea of dragging us back into the age of workhouses and severe poverty.

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I am fine with minimum wage being scrapped as long as...


1) Companies are willing to adopt genuine profit share schemes. Workers, as far as possible, ought to be remunerated based on capital growth and not treated as rented tools (i.e. wage labour).


2) I would also want to see a basic income initiated by the state, after setting up a national bank whereby the interest is returned to the treasury and then distributed to each household in the form of a citizens dividend. This has been supported by several prominent Nobel economists. Investors and bankers would be paid (generously) on performance, but there would be no external shareholders taking wealth out of the real economy via the usurious system of compound interest that we currently operate today.


The more strain we can take off business (at least business that is run ethically), the better, but it must be replaced with a system that ensures our people have the purchasing power to buy back their own production. Without this, the economy will collapse, and the companies who thought they would benefit from throwing their workers as few crumbs as possible would soon realise they have failed to see the bigger picture.


Thank you for an intelligent response, even if it's an opinion I don't wholly agree with. It's nice to see there are still some forum members you can engage in an intelligence debate with!


All I'm saying is that companies should be free to pay the market rate to their workers rather than be forced to increase labour costs artificially which ultimately makes them less competitive in the global market and means UK firms losing out on contracts to their overseas rivals.


It's basic economics of supply and demand. If there's a shortage of skilled staff, they would rightly command higher wages. But if - as is the case now - there's no shortage of unskilled workers, companies should be free to set their hourly rate of pay at whatever they like.

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GB just puts things on here for a reaction. We should stop commenting so this stupid thread drops to the bottom of the page!


The purpose of this thread is to start an intellectual debate about a subject many people feel passionately about. If you're out of your depth and have nothing intelligent to contribute then please go and troll elsewhere.

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To make this point you need to supply evidence of all the Call Centres you claim have moved abroad.


More than that, you need to prove that it caused a net increase in unemployment, ie that people who lost a job in a call centre didn't find alternative work.

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The purpose of this thread is to start an intellectual debate about a subject many people feel passionately about. If you're out of your depth and have nothing intelligent to contribute then please go and troll elsewhere.


You need an intellectual statement to start an intellectual debate! Don't try and be condescending with me!

Besides.... you have admitted that you work for the council haven't you? How intellectual do you have to be to get a job there?? :hihi:

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More than that, you need to prove that it caused a net increase in unemployment, ie that people who lost a job in a call centre didn't find alternative work.


At my old job, whenever they closed a department, people were re-deployed rather than laid off. It's too expensive to pay out all that redundancy money!

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