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What happens to Christians when they die?

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Do they automatically go to heaven because they are Christians? Is there some sort of "trial" with a defence and prosecution deciding if they were good or not in life to warrant them going to heaven? Who exactly decides if they go to heaven or not? If they are not accepted by heaven is there an automatic journey to hell?

What exactly does happen?


Depends what branch of Christianity you are talking about.

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Let me save you all some time, by predicting how this thread will run:


PLEKHANOV: I think religion is a load of old poo, and people who follow it are wrong in the head!


GRAHAME: I think God and Jesus are brilliant, and anyone who thinks otherwise is immoral and evil!


PLEKHANOV: No they aren't!


GRAHAME: Yes they are!


PLEKHANOV: No they aren't!


GRAHAME: Yes they are!


PLEKHANOV: No they aren't!.......etc



(Apologies for picking on P and G, just using you as examples!)


This made me chuckle. Soooooo spot on.

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When we arrive at the Pearly Gates we'll all be greeted by old Gabriel himself.


"Alright you lot line up according to your religions. Christians on the right, Muslims on the left and Bhuddists in the center. Now then listen up!

Christians collect your harps and wings from the store on your left. Muslims file into that building on your right and select your seven virgins and as for the Bhuddists you lot will be recycled back to earth again in a couple of days'

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When we arrive at the Pearly Gates we'll all be greeted by old Gabriel himself.


"Alright you lot line up according to your religions. Christians on the right, Muslims on the left and Bhuddists in the center. Now then listen up!

Christians collect your harps and wings from the store on your left. Muslims file into that building on your right and select your seven virgins and as for the Bhuddists you lot will be recycled back to earth again in a couple of days'


Darn...if this were the case, hope may be quite repetative for bhuddists, and quite unfortunate for females.


Please God, keep me in the wings and harps line.

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Darn...if this were the case, hope may be quite repetative for bhuddists, and quite unfortunate for females.


Please God, keep me in the wings and harps line.


Not for me. B-o-r-i-n-g ! Anyway I dont know any songs written for the harp except Lady Greensleeves and I sure dont wanna keep playing that old number over and over for eternity.

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Do they automatically go to heaven because they are Christians? Is there some sort of "trial" with a defence and prosecution deciding if they were good or not in life to warrant them going to heaven? Who exactly decides if they go to heaven or not? If they are not accepted by heaven is there an automatic journey to hell?

What exactly does happen?


When they die they shut their mouths, that is good news for a lot of folk.

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