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Instructor at Ice Sheffield-Am I right to feel so angry about this?

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Unfortunately £75 is extremely cheap for any skates.


Were the blades sharpened before they were used - you cannot skate on unsharpened skates.


Figure skates have a toe pick and an area on the blade to spin on - I am not sure if this is what the instructor was talking about when he mentioned the ridge.


My best advice is to find a friendly parent attached to the acadamy - there are some about honestly - and ask their advice.


Is it figure skating he wants to do or is he more interested in hockey, speed skating or just going on the sessions?


I think we need to research a bit more concerning the types of Skates, to us that seemed a lot but obvioulsy now it isn't.


Regarding the sharpening of the Blades we'll look at that as an option, they do have a toe pick on them and the ridge was like a line all the way across with a small indentation which these haven't got.


He seems to just enjoy going and I think he wants to be able to do it reasonably well, he has mentioned that he has passed the level that allows him to play Hockey which could be interesting.

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Its hard when you & your family have tried to do what you think was he best, I always try to support my kids in thier interests whether they are any good or not at least they are enjoying something not sat watching a screen .


I couldn't agree with you more, both my lads have a full weekly diary of activities for which they get our full support, although sometimes this can do my head in.

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Never buy skates unless you have tried them on first. I played Ice Hockey for umpteen years and got through loads of pairs of skates and there were some makes of skate that I couldn't wear. I found that Bauer 4000's were perfect for me. Ok, they were hockey goalie skates but I would assume the same applies for figure skates in terms of try before you buy.


As well as the length of the boot eg size 8, skates can be bought in various widths which is just as important because a skate needs to fit like a proverbial glove as well as offer plenty of support. I haven't a clue what a "ridge" is though so cannot comment on that.


Perhaps the instructor could have handled it better, but if they have identified the skates as being the problem and hindering any progress, then it is right for them to say so. As for them suggesting the shop upstairs, its somewhere that your lad can try some on for size and I would bet that if you asked them, the instructor would probably be happy to go in with you to make sure they were the correct sort.


Yes, it could seem that the instructor is plugging the shop but I doubt it. If the skates are not the correct sort (please bear in mind my comments about having to try skates on before buying), it sounds like they are trying to do the right thing, even if they have handled it in an embarrassing manner.


Thanks for your comments we will consider them when deciding on what to do next.


We do have a dilemna in that neither my wife or myself, is certain that a different/better pair of Skates will improve him enough to get him through this level but that is a call and discussion we'll need to have.


Regarding the Instructor though, I just wish she hadn't have singled him out so much as this could make it embarassing for him if he goes back.

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Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems you don't know very much about a sport your kid is doing that seems very important to him. I guess you're feeling a bit guilty now and wanting to pass it on onto the instructor?



You've got me there, I will concede I don't have in-depth knowledge of Figure Skating and the intricasies of the footwear to be used.


Likewise, I know very little about the Taekwando he does so perhaps you could advise me on the appropriate clothing for that, then he plays Badminton another night in the week which I'm a little bit more knowledgable on and can help him out on, whereas his trampoling I struggle with and any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated, his football I am fine with and don't need any assistance, the same as with his Scouting.


Also he is struggling with one of his latest X Box games that you may be able to assist with.


Throughout all of these activities though, I wouldn't dream of telling another child that the equipment they were using is making them crap, which is effectively what he was told today.

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Sounds to me like you couldn't be bothered to research, or even check with the instructor, what was actually needed and you just wanted to fob the kid off with the cheapest skates you coould get, because YOU think he's rubbish at the sport? You didn't even bother to go to the rink shop and take a look first?



Totally innocent on that front, it was my wife that organised that part so I'll pass your thoughts on to her.

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You seem to spend hours on here arguing about politics and posting miles long comments.


Nope I'm not accepting that, I've just checked my last 46 posts and only three are political.


I actually think your ratio is higher than that but I haven't fully checked.

Edited by Titanic99
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If he wants to play Ice Hockey and he's passed that level, then why not look in that direction?



I'll see if he wants to have a go at that, we did watch some university teams playing a while since and he seemed interested.

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I've just realised that you're the same OP from the kids football thread. I take my hat off to you. Pity more parents don't put so much effort in with their kids.


Thanks for that I appreciate it.


Both of my lads have a full week of activities that they genuinely seem to enjoy doing, it can be a bit of a pain sometimes but they seem happy enough!

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