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Where do the borrowed billions come from?

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OK I know they raise tax revenue, but the billions and billions of pounds we read the gvt has borrowed to somehow revive our apparent dire economic situation - where does that all come from. Who or from where does the gvt get this money, which I understand we'll be paying back for generations to come? Answers as brief & simple as poss pls - obviously I'm not an economist.

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We borrow money through the World banking system...I dont know what the interest rates are.

When you read that our grand children and possibly their children will be paying back the debt the economists are about right.

For example about 12 months ago Britain made its final payment to the US government for the money it borrowed to finance World War 2....... Freedom comes at a high price...so when you see and hear the proles knocking the UK from the comfort of their bean bags, please feel free to remonstrate with them.

As we are at the moment there are not enough people in work to pay the taxes to keep Britain afloat....so we have to borrow money.

Had Gt. Britain been a limited company the events of the past 12 months would have seen a team of joiners putting the wooden shutters up.

The fact that today we probably have less money in real terms than some third world countries should come as no surprise.

Make no mistake the inherrant greed by the big banks linked to the sleaze by the very people we elected to protect us has brought this country down..................

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