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Should voting be compulsary by law?

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Then what do we need to do to help/encourage people to fully participate in our democratic system? How will 70% of people's views be heard if they do not vote?


some people DONT want to participate in a charade........they dont need help or encouragement or coercion

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Is it really a charade or do people just not understand all the different parties' policies and therefore just don't bother voting.


I've talked to a number of people over the last week who admit they don't vote cos they can't be bothered to look into what's on offer.


There are parties who state they don't want to be part of the current system...the Jury Team for example. They state....


"There is a solution to the current political chaos and the loss of faith by voters. It is quite simply the Jury Team solution.


The Jury Team is a coalition of independent candidates, who share the common belief that the current political system perpetuates both malpractice and waste at the heart, not only of Westminster but also of Europe.


From its launch in March, the Jury Team has championed democracy, accountability and transparency. When you vote for Jury Team candidates you are making a bid for a real change in politics."

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Educating yourself as to what the parties stand for and voting for the person that most closely meets your ideals. And if there isn't one you can always set up your own party?


I understand only too well what all the political parties stand for and there is not one that comes close to how I think the country should be run so I would be a bit stupid to vote for a political system and culture that I completely disagree with. That's the problem. I don't think having political parties of any ilk is the best way to run a country.

Not sure how good this is as an analogy but asking me to vote in the current political system we have is a bit like asking me to go and support the England football team at the French Open tennis championship. In other words the two are worlds apart.

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I've talked to a number of people over the last week who admit they don't vote cos they can't be bothered to look into what's on offer.


I think some people don't vote because they don't believe that whatever is on offer will actually be on offer once that party is elected. People don't trust them.

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Is it really a charade or do people just not understand all the different parties' policies and therefore just don't bother voting.


I've talked to a number of people over the last week who admit they don't vote cos they can't be bothered to look into what's on offer.


theres not one reason why people dont vote we're not all the same you know, like not everybody votes for the same party

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Fine, I get it, you like others to make your decisions for you. You're in favour of the right to be passive


Surely with rights come responsibilities?


We fought against Fascism in WW2. We should be fighting it now by casting our vote for a party we feel we are most closely aligned to in order to prevent Fascism from getting a foothold again.


Too late. Passive Britain has ensured the BNP have two seats in Europe.



1you asked should it be made law i answered:loopy:2 thats why im not wanting the govenment to make my decisions for me:hihi: 3 my vote is for my beliefs only 4 can you not follow your own thread which was should voting be compulsary by law:huh:
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Is it really a charade or do people just not understand all the different parties' policies and therefore just don't bother voting.


I've talked to a number of people over the last week who admit they don't vote cos they can't be bothered to look into what's on offer.


There are parties who state they don't want to be part of the current system...the Jury Team for example. They state....


"There is a solution to the current political chaos and the loss of faith by voters. It is quite simply the Jury Team solution.


The Jury Team is a coalition of independent candidates, who share the common belief that the current political system perpetuates both malpractice and waste at the heart, not only of Westminster but also of Europe.


From its launch in March, the Jury Team has championed democracy, accountability and transparency. When you vote for Jury Team candidates you are making a bid for a real change in politics."


I think the Jury team are possibly the closest yet to how I want to see this country run but they will have to convince me that they are going to be around for the long haul before I start to take them seriously.

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