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On Chatting To A Tramp

Guest Ant

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Originally posted by nitelife40

try not drinking in the street.after all some slag off the guys in question for drinking on the streets.......;)


That's a very good point. In many countries (USA, Australia etc) drinking alcohol in the street is illegal and will earn you a night in the cells. I'm surprised that's not the case in Britain yet (or is it?).


Either way, street drinking is moronic and simply adds to the yob culture we hear so much about.

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Either way, street drinking is moronic and simply adds to the yob culture we hear so much about.


Run that by me again. Drinking a can of chilled Carling whilst waiting for a bus is the action of a moron? That's extremely insulting and offensive, mojo.


That's a very good point. In many countries (USA, Australia etc) drinking alcohol in the street is illegal and will earn you a night in the cells. I'm surprised that's not the case in Britain yet (or is it?).


If that were that case, don't you think I'd have bought a Pepsi instead? Think about it, dear.

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well my advice ( albeit slightly selfish ) grab 2 tinnys tommorow and give him one, then you will be his buddy and he will tell you even more of his worldly views and you can tell us :D cos i loved reading about your first encounter with him :hihi:

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Originally posted by Ant

Run that by me again. Drinking a can of chilled Carling whilst waiting for a bus is the action of a moron? That's extremely insulting and offensive, mojo.




If that were that case, don't you think I'd have bought a Pepsi instead? Think about it, dear.


i thought it was illegal to drink in the streets? it isin Glasgow

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Litha, thankyou, sweetie. x


I don't understand all the fuss over the drinking in the streets thing - I'm not a yob, and don't look like one when sat chilling out (literally) waiting for a bus after a hard day at work.


As it happens, I avoided him today as he was in deep conversation with a lady (I think she was from the institution as well) dressed in a crop-top made from what looked like a binbag. They sat down together on the steps of Market Street stocks where a group of kids were giving them their sweets they'd just bought from my shop (aw, bless 'em. Kids aren't all mouthy yobs, are they?)

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well even if you dint get a story out of him to share with us today at least you got the latest fashion tips..... *crop top bin bags are all the rage* at least this will make kitting myself out with a whole new wardrobe extremely cheep especially if i get them wholesale at JTF :D


i dont see what is wrong with having a cold can either in the streets, fair enough if its a gang of ruffians that the police would break up anyway then ya can say it looks yobish but then again these types are yobish even without the tinny. many a time ive walked from one pub to another with a bottle/can i wouldnt have thought i was being anti social ( well not till i was walking from the last pub any way :hihi: :hihi:

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I quite frequently have a can of lager or two on the half hour walk home from work. But no-one gives me any hassle about it (or even notices, probably) - I think thats probably because I'm a young white girl with mostly neat hair and relatively clean clothes. Apart from the faint smell of mackerel, I think I look relatively harmless.


Quite often I give a can away to someone on the way if they ask me for money. Probably not the best thing to help a homeless person but they always seem pretty pleased with it!

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where do you live hook?

i cant say i have heard of this before.


i wonder how far this will go and if soon we will be getting a £500 fine for loytering with an open packet of wine gums :(

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