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What are these darn bugs in my house?

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Recently i keep finding these little bugs around my house and i dont like it!!!


they are smaller than a ladybird but the same shape

they are brown/black with creamy yellow markings

i am not sure if they fly

they like to nestle in grouting in the kitchen arrrhhh!!

and often on windowsils


can you please help me find out what the little blighters are and if i need to be afraid :confused:


thanks in advance forumers

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Be afraid, be very afraid!


They are carpet beetles, as beetles they aren't too harmful, but as larvae (small furry wriggly ugly things!) they will eat anything made of natural fibres; wool, hair, fur etc.


I had a lovely plague of them a few years ago and ended up getting the council in to spray the house (£40) which killed the majority of the problem.


If you can wash and tumble dry as many clothes etc as you can (or dry clean special items) that will kill most that might be hiding in the wardrobe, then i'm afriad its the bug sprayers for any carpet.


Its not fun, but it does work...


good luck :(

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They still freak me out now...


its apparently normal of a house to have one or two, but lots is not normal an needs dealing with asap... trust me...


I'm still itching...



ooh one more bit of advice... if you have a spare freezer, then freezing things for a couple of days (sealed in a plastic bag or two!) will kill the blighters too :)



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