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Should Sheffield have its own metro-area?

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Unlike cities of a similar size, Sheffield as not developed as a fully fledged regional capital with it's only metropolitan area.


It is the regional core city of South Yorkshire with a HUGE postcode area taking in Barnsley, Rotherham,Chesterfield and others, much larger than Leeds postal district which has it's own metro.


Surely Sheffield should have one?


Sheffield First For Investment states the population of the Sheffield Regional area is 1,800,482.


The importance of key cities to the region’s economy and competitiveness is increasingly being recognised.


The Yorkshire & Humberside Assembly along with Yorkshire Forward really should put Sheffield's case for it's on metro forward to the Government.


Now that Sheffield's economy is one of the fastest growing in the UK, it would make planning on key issues easier, ensuring towns such as Barnsley, and Rotherham share in Sheffield's success.

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Well, it used to be the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire. There used to be a Metropolitan authority in the 70s and 80s, and I guess the last remanents today are quangos like the SYPTE, the Fire Authority, etc.


But why must we have this hankering for 'big power' all the time?


We get simply another bunch of politicians to layer in a few more rules, policies, protocols and regulations. A few more things we can't do withoit permission.


I'm proud of Sheffield - and I'm sure that the people of Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham are proud of their towns as well. We can develop and prosper together without introducing another layer of pointless beaurocracy.


Although I guess it would be useful if we could gather people who WANT to participate in such an authoritarian move in to one place so we can keep a close eye on them. ;)



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Originally posted by JoePritchard

I guess the last remanents today are quangos like the SYPTE, the Fire Authority, etc.


They're not quangos. Their membership is elected councillors from the four district councils.


I'm proud of Sheffield - and I'm sure that the people of Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham are proud of their towns as well.


Yey! Bring back County Borough status! :)




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But does the Leeds metro include Bradford Skyfitsboy?


I think Doncaster and Barnsley are pretty big places in their own right.


Having said that places like Bolton, Wigan etc are included in Greater Manchesters Metro population so maybe you're right.

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Originally posted by jgharston

They're not quangos. Their membership is elected councillors from the four district councils.




Yey! Bring back County Borough status! :)





You mean that ALL the people I currently work with in the PTE are Councillors? I think not.


Now the SYPTA is elected councillors, though.


But the requirements of a town like Doncaster are different to those of a city like Sheffield. Having lived in both in the days of the Metropolitan Authority I'm not convinced that what was done by that body couldn't be done by collaboration between local authorities.



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To be honest I'm not to sure what the definitions of a metropolitan area are either, lol!


Although I do know regional cities attract much more investment than free-standing cities like Sheffield.


Bradford I believe does fall under the Leeds Metro umbrella.

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Originally posted by JoePritchard

You mean that ALL the people I currently work with in the PTE are Councillors? I think not.


Now the SYPTA is elected councillors, though.


The SYPT Authority is elected members. They instruct the SYPTE.


The SYPT Executive are employees. They do the actual work.


The PTA is the equivalent of the 84 City Councillors; the PTE is the equivalent of the Council Officers (ie, employees).




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The post is riddled with inaccuracies.


Originally posted by skyfitsboy

Unlike cities of a similar size, Sheffield as not developed as a fully fledged regional capital with it's only metropolitan area.


There is already a South Yorkshire metropolitan area in existence. It encompasses Sheffield, Doncaster (with its own directly elected mayor), Barnsley, Rotherham, plus South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Fire.


Originally posted by skyfitsboy

It is the regional core city of South Yorkshire with a HUGE postcode area taking in Barnsley, Rotherham, Chesterfield and others, much larger than Leeds postal district which has it's own metro.


Chesterfield is not in South Yorkshire - it's the largest town in Derbyshire, and is part of the East Midlands, and elects it's own East Midlands Euro MEPs.


Sheffield post-codes include not only Chesterfield, but Killamarsh, Eckington, Clay Cross, and extend as far south as Shirland and Higham (just outside Alfreton).

Post-codes are not a reliable indicator of a metropolitan area - they relate solely to the Royal Mail's distribution system!


Originally posted by skyfitsboy

Surely Sheffield should have one?


Repeat: Sheffield is a metropolitan authority already.


Originally posted by skyfitsboy

Sheffield First For Investment states the population of the Sheffield Regional area is 1,800,482.


The importance of key cities to the region’s economy and competitiveness is increasingly being recognised.


That is why the Deputy Prime Minister is promoting the Northern Way.

Originally posted by skyfitsboy

The Yorkshire & Humberside Assembly along with Yorkshire Forward really should put Sheffield's case for it's on {sic} metro forward to the Government.


Repeat once more: Sheffield is a metropolitan authority already.


Originally posted by skyfitsboy

Now that Sheffield's economy is one of the fastest growing in the UK, it would make planning on key issues easier, ensuring towns such as Barnsley, and Rotherham share in Sheffield's success.


Repeat: That is why the Deputy Prime Minister is promoting the Northern Way.

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Originally posted by redrobbo

The post is riddled with inaccuracies.




There is already a South Yorkshire metropolitan area in existence. It encompasses Sheffield, Doncaster (with its own directly elected mayor), Barnsley, Rotherham, plus South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Fire.




Chesterfield is not in South Yorkshire - it's the largest town in Derbyshire, and is part of the East Midlands, and elects it's own East Midlands Euro MEPs.


Sheffield post-codes include not only Chesterfield, but Killamarsh, Eckington, Clay Cross, and extend as far south as Shirland and Higham (just outside Alfreton).

Post-codes are not a reliable indicator of a metropolitan area - they relate solely to the Royal Mail's distribution system!




Repeat: Sheffield is a metropolitan authority already.




That is why the Deputy Prime Minister is promoting the Northern Way.



Repeat once more: Sheffield is a metropolitan authority already.




Repeat: That is why the Deputy Prime Minister is promoting the Northern Way.


Well I think you have well and truely hammered that into our head! No need to patronise was there now? :rant:

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