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Hillsborough corner such a depressing mess of a place!

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Originally posted by sccsux

What, all the bloody sandwich shops & cafes?






See my reply above;).






But, the ones that are now closed/relocated were "respected" and "household names" (Tandy, Suggs both spring to mind) that people actually wanted to shop at, which forces people to start looking "further afield".






I don't refer to anybody as a "chav", I believe in calling a spade a spade and call then "Stupid Tw@s" - 'cause that's all they are!







Where have I said I dislike Hillsborough? - Just looked back, I did say it had become totally horrible;). But....


I lived there for about 8 years (before the StupidTram) and have nothing but good memories of my time there (with the exception of my last 7/8 months which was due to the ST building)!







'Cause I have a car, can drive and I really do not like Meadowhall:(.







So, you speak for the whole of Hillsborough then, do you?






The post that you are quoting from was aimed at 'cyclone'. the part that applies to you is the part above the dotted line. sorry, I couldn't be bothered to do it properly, my fault.


Sandwich shops and cafes etc are a good indicator of the commercial health of a place. Such shops don't do very well at all where there are no (passing) customers.

And anyway, how many are there, just about enough obviously.


And the,'hop a tram', bit though it also was for cyclone, was for anyone who prefers the clinically sterile environment of 'Malls', (Another of America's wonderful gifts to mankind), (not).


Shame that neither of you saw the irony intended by the reference to useing the tram to get there, still---.


Finally, no I don't speak for everyone but I speak for far more people than you may think.

I'm speaking for those for instance who have lived here for generations, not just a few years or since the Kelvin was demolished.


Hillsboro' is a fine area, its turbulent history and hardy inhabitants testify to many occasions when circumstances, natural and man made, conspired to wipe her from the face of the earth. I'm confident that Hils' corner will come good ( with a little help from her friends.)


The 'Corner' is the heart of Hillsborough and I doubt that a few whingeing armchair critics will make her skip a single beat.




"The tooth?" " You couldn't handle the tooth!"






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Why is it that some people would rather deceive themselves to keep their mistaken ideas alive than admit that they're partly or even completely wrong?


'The Emperors New Clothes', springs to mind.

Just LOOK at Hillsboro centre. It absolutely buzzes every day of the week.(AND MOST NIGHTS)

And if they can't find facts to substantiate their arguments they invent some, or express an opinion and call it 'a fact'.


So I will repeat, with this modification to my previous statement

it is my and many thousands of people's opinion', that,



'Hillsboro IS a fine area'.


And, unfortunately, it's impossible to to have a thriving virile shopping centre without some traffic congestion. 'Cake and eat it ', springs to mind. Why not drive all the way to Meadowhell, they never experience traffic problems,-- really!?


There is a meeting at the 'Purveyors of doom and gloom

club' tomorrow night, but don't bother going, --- it might be cancelled!


However badly some people want to see Hillsboro go under, I can tell them that it's just not going to happen.

Who are these cynics?------- Latent Unitedites I bet.


Get over the S' Tram and the disruption it caused, --- pleeeese.


It all was such a long time ago. Time to move on, eh!


Come on yoo bloos..

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  • 2 years later...
Does anyone else think Hillsborough Corner or Chav Central as my mates call it looks a right mess?


The building that curves around the corner that looks like all the frontage has been blown off is just awful!


It's been like this for well over a year now, the whole of Hillsborough corner is just so rundown and depressing to look at.


When is the council going to get their acts together and do something about it :confused:


i mam wanting to arrange a meeting about the state of hillsbrough (see thread about wanting to have meeting about state of hillsbrough) if any one is interested please meke it known by commenting on the thream mentioned thank you :)

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