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Postman and rubber bands.


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Ive noticed that our postman always leaves a trail of red rubber bands behind him as he does his rounds,

should this be classed as littering ,why dont they just put them in their pocket and take them with them.

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Well i am a childminder i just throw them in the busy box for the kids i have seen them used for all kinds of things have you got no imagination ,tell you one thing they never get wasted.

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I`ve noticed that too, but we only get the plain brown sort how come you get red ones, do you live in a better area maybe?


Ive just moved away from S10 but our postman was the exactly the same every night when we walked the dog we picked up half a dozen or so red rubber bands on our walk around the block.


As someone else said I too have a red rubber band ball (somewhere in my removal boxes).

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