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GRAFFITI at an all time high

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Grafitti is very rarely any form of art; looking around Sheffield all you will see are tags and perhaps obscenities. If I want to see terriotory marking in its true form, I'll take the dog out for a walk, and he doesn't need a spraycan.


However I am not small minded enough to see that true grafitti artists are very talented; what they can do with a can of spray paint is impressive stuff.


There are issues here though; chances are the 'legal' wall is being removed as it hasn't served its purpose. People still grafitti all over Sheffield even when there is a legitimate place to do it, so why bother wasting money that could go elsewhere?


What is actually being drawn on this legal wall? One presumes that if its being paid for by the taxpayer, then a certain set of rules regarding the artisitic content has to be followed? If people are just abusing it, then theres another reason for it to be taken away.


I think you'll find very little sympathy from normal Sheffield people when it comes to grafitti; usually its considered a form of vandalism.


some work that's currently on the legal graffiti walls. the wall surrounds a basketball court and is painted and re-painted by the graffiti writers.


there are no rules governing who can paint there, although a certain standard is expected.





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There are some pieces of graffiti that improve their surroundings (the one on the side of Dulo, the one near Corporation street) but most are just pointless scrawls that make an area look depressing and run down. The ones with silly, pointy writing and video game characters just look like infantile rubbish, how can anyone get any pleasure out of looking at them?

I can see the point in having 'legal walls' but it shouldn't be the duty of the council to provide them.

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theres allways going to be illegal and legal graffiti, its part of city life in all citys accross the world,graffiti stands for peace within our own people,and an exiting underground music and art scene, but if the general public links graffiti too territory and gangs then thier compleatly wrong.

if you dont like the element of people who dont wish to be slaves to the government in rip off britain,or dont want the country to be swamped by elegal imigrants,or want to end poverty,or want to decrease the ever widening gap between the filthy rich and the poor,these are some of the elements that graffiti stand for,but your sieng it all wrong,i dont think graffiti belongs in the countyside or peoples houses or on anything that is considerd to be artistic because it allready has its own beauty.

but if there was no graff in sheffield, including tagging in town, then it would be a boring place to live, and if i hated graff the way most of the rat race doo, then i would prefere to live in the countryside.

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Time to pack your bags Superchrome, although I'm a little uncertain about which part of the rural peasantry will be welcoming you with open arms.


Mind you, they might expect you to have brushed up your grammar and spelling in any event.


Further, I'm not aware of a single piece of graffiti which has made any, let alone a significant, contribution to ending poverty.

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The genuine graf ARTISTS should be supported. What they do IS an artform and I for one would love it if all the walls around this city looked like the ones around the showroom and the hubs. Those peices are amzing, they're colourfull, they make me happy to be in this city. I would MUCH rather see something like that than mile after mile of blank grey concrete.

If the efforts of the genuine artists are supported then Im sure the amount of mindless tagging would be reduced. The council must spend millions of our money year after year in removing tags only for them to be replaced in a matter of hours. Why not TRY finding an alternative? Why not set up a sceme to work with these people? surely it couldn't cost any more than the removal does already?


Graf artists - keep up the good work


Taggers - give it a rest, eh?

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infantile?go and try that yourself


I admit that I couldn't reproduce a picture of Sonic the Hedgehog with the same accuracy (not that i'd want to) but then I don't claim to be an artist. What's the point in spending any amount of time out of your life learning how to paint if all you're going to do is copy somebody else's weak, tacky pictures? You may as well paint a crudely rendered **** and balls.

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I admit that I couldn't reproduce a picture of Sonic the Hedgehog with the same accuracy (not that i'd want to) but then I don't claim to be an artist. What's the point in spending any amount of time out of your life learning how to paint if all you're going to do is copy somebody else's weak, tacky pictures? You may as well paint a crudely rendered **** and balls.


well he is a bit of a **** and all of us on here know he has no balls :hihi:

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What's the point in spending any amount of time out of your life learning how to paint if all you're going to do is copy somebody else's weak, tacky pictures? You may as well paint a crudely rendered **** and balls.


Exactly. Anyone can mimic someone elses style, it's really not difficult to copy existing work. The interesting work is done by people who take time to develop their own style and flair.

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