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Asda Handsworth Complaint - Alcohol Sales - new over 25 rule

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This will leave a permanent record on the big brother National Identity Register database that you bought alcohol in that shop at that time. I find that unnecessary and creepy.


Is it unnecessary and creepy that you leave a “foot print “every time you use your credit / bank card I don’t see the difference.

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another thing to add. went to matalan other day and bought 2 nighties, one purple and one yellow. when the lad put them through the till the purple one was fine but he looked confused when he did yellow one. apparently it came up on the till that the customer should be at least 14 to purchase this product.LOL surely that must have been a mistake! what could someone do with a nightie!?!

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my point is she had no reason whatsoever to see my ID, so why should i show her?


When you enter somebody’s premises they don’t have to serve you, if you don’t want to show ID don’t be surprised if they will not serve you.


To cover himself our newsagent introduced a over 18 policy on lottery tickets and cigarettes ages ago, no ID no service, it was that or go out of business which would you do.


apparently it came up on the till that the customer should be at least 14 to purchase this product.LOL surely that must have been a mistake! what could someone do with a nightie!?!

Could it have been a fire risk? :huh:

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another thing to add. went to matalan other day and bought 2 nighties, one purple and one yellow. when the lad put them through the till the purple one was fine but he looked confused when he did yellow one. apparently it came up on the till that the customer should be at least 14 to purchase this product.LOL surely that must have been a mistake! what could someone do with a nightie!?!


:hihi: is it illigal for 13 year olds? were they 'sexy' nighties lol

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I am 27, 28 this year and I get ID'd more often than not, including tonight at a supermarket where the cashier spent a good two minutes looking at my drivers lisence before shouting over to her mate two tills away to ask if being born in 1980 made someone over 18!!!


I do look younger than my age but not under 18. It does get annoying sometimes and can be embarassing, I would prefer not to have to take my driving lisence out with me all of the time in case I loose it in a busy bar, especially when you read articles or hear things almost every day about idenity theft.


Sometimes I do think that the person serving the alcohol could use their common sense a little more, especially when you hear stories about pensioners being asked for ID. However, on the other hand I do appreciate the position that the cashier/bar tender is in, as has been previously mentioned they themselves and not the bar/shop can receive fines if they are found to be serving alcohol to under age customers.

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You do realise the logical conclusion to this? Each time you want to buy a bottle of wine you'll be asked for your ID card. This will leave a permanent record on the big brother National Identity Register database that you bought alcohol in that shop at that time. I find that unnecessary and creepy.


Logical conclusion? Presumably then when they raised the age for cigarettes it was also part of some big brother plan so more people would have to produce ID?

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:clap::clap:here here :clap::clap:Think about the poor sales assistant who has to put up with daily abuse, for just trying to do her job :help:


True. Working in a shop means you get abused daily by

people, without thinking about what happens when you

do ask for I.D

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