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The All New Islam & Muslims discussion Megathread

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We've done that one before, Bazooka, many, many times, but Grahame chooses selectivity in what he does and doesn't take notice of.


True PT. But we live in a world where fact and figures dictate- you, like me, probably like to see substantiating and solid facts before being drawn into a debate. I have never seen them from him.- it's mainly just conjecture or misrepresentations that just gets blown out of proportion. And how many times have other threads by muslims or not, clearly stated that you cannot make a judgement on someone/somebody just by the actions of another? Its illogical to even think that and whoever does then they need to get a grip on reality..fast.

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It is not a lie, it is true.


When people are beginning to wonder whether you are a fool or not, better to keep your mouth closed than open it and remove all doubt.

You are entitled to believe in whatever you want, and to say whatever you want about it in my book; but once you've said it on here it becomes public property and that means it's open for comment. No insult of any personal nature or otherwise is intended when I tell you that you are talking the language of the terminally hateful. How many muslims do you know godammit man!


A rock in the sky? They worship a rock in the sky? Who put that garbage into your head then?


What's the difference between you talking your sort of crap and the extremist muslim cleric saying Christians are infidels?


Before I can tell you I need to know whether there's one or two G's in bugger all.

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When people are beginning to wonder whether you are a fool or not, better to keep your mouth closed than open it and remove all doubt.


'Sometimes it is better to keep our mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt' Mark Twain .........................a concept totally lost on Grahame

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I am itching to just ask this Grahame- since this is an Islamic & Muslim discussion- going back to the 'moon God' (baseless argument as it is) have you not looked at any of the Bible translations in Arabic? I suggest you do. You will find (14 in fact) references to God as 'Allah'.


Now one can ask, was Jesus worshipping a pagan God too???!! :o


That only means the translators have made a mistake in the translation.

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True PT. But we live in a world where fact and figures dictate- you, like me, probably like to see substantiating and solid facts before being drawn into a debate. I have never seen them from him.- it's mainly just conjecture or misrepresentations that just gets blown out of proportion. And how many times have other threads by muslims or not, clearly stated that you cannot make a judgement on someone/somebody just by the actions of another? Its illogical to even think that and whoever does then they need to get a grip on reality..fast.


I never see you posting any facts Bazooka, I do it all the time, you have none to post.

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Quote Grahame-I never see you posting any facts Bazooka, I do it all the time, you have none to post.


I have- usually just correcting your own words and showing where you have made an error- like PlainTalker has done..a dozen times. You just do not seem to be able to accept

Was my last post about the Bible in arabic (your own Book) not based on fact?? Check it out.

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Quote Grahame-I never see you posting any facts Bazooka, I do it all the time, you have none to post.


I have- usually just correcting your own words and showing where you have made an error- like PlainTalker has done..a dozen times. You just do not seem to be able to accept.


You both talk error my friend, error, big time and that is another fact. :)

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