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Wind Turbines at Westwood High Green


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I am a resident of the Dowlands estate that overlooks the proposed wind farm and i was extremelly angry yesterday when i was given the apparent facts about why the turbines shouldnt be built on the park. Why dont these people and there objections just admit that the reason they oppose them is nothing to do with feasibility and wanting better climate change solutions, it is simply because they do not want them in there back garden. I think personally they would be be a benefit to the area as wel as showing to our children how we can contribute to saving our resources. Some one needs to speek out and protest at the random statitics these groups are claiming as i am definatly not in the apparent 90% of objectors and neither have i ever been asked for an opinion.

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I think you might be bothered when you realise that a wind turbine can be very noisy they emit intrasound that is a very low level sound that passes through walls etc.


You might be surprised to know that they emit in excess of 100Db and the sound can travels miles.




Wind turbines are NOT noisy. There is no such thing as "intrasound" and wind turbines do not emit sounds in excess of 100Db - that is more like a jackhammer or jet plane. You can stand under a wind trubine operating at top speed and hold a perfectly normal conversation. Go see - seriously, they are quiet, efficient and to my mind, beautiful machines.


You might not like them and you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. Spreading fear about the technology by lying about it is just ridiculous.


Wind energy is also a hell of a lot more economic than nuclear. If we put even 1% of the billions we plow into the nuclear industry into energy efficieny and all types of renerwables we would slash our carbon emissions in no time.


The british isles have 60% of Europe's wind capacity and I think putting up wind turbines to generate power from that amazing resource is a great idea. Sheffield is ideally placed to support a wind farm - we are an energy consuming city surrounded by windy hills. No brainer as far as I am concerned.

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Wind turbines are NOT noisy. There is no such thing as "intrasound" and wind turbines do not emit sounds in excess of 100Db - that is more like a jackhammer or jet plane. You can stand under a wind trubine operating at top speed and hold a perfectly normal conversation. Go see - seriously, they are quiet, efficient and to my mind, beautiful machines.


You might not like them and you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. Spreading fear about the technology by lying about it is just ridiculous.


Wind energy is also a hell of a lot more economic than nuclear. If we put even 1% of the billions we plow into the nuclear industry into energy efficieny and all types of renerwables we would slash our carbon emissions in no time.


The british isles have 60% of Europe's wind capacity and I think putting up wind turbines to generate power from that amazing resource is a great idea. Sheffield is ideally placed to support a wind farm - we are an energy consuming city surrounded by windy hills. No brainer as far as I am concerned.




Your obviously an expert on the matter of sound generation, from turbine. I thought I’d best quote facts, this is from the BWEA (British Wind Energy Association)

“The noise a wind turbine creates is normally expressed in terms of its sound power level. Although this is measured in dB(A), it is not a measurement of the noise level which we hear but of the noise power emitted by the machine. The sound power level from a single wind turbine is usually between 90 and 100 dB(A). This creates a sound pressure level of 50-60 dB(A) at a distance of 40 metres from the turbine, ie. about the same level as conversational speech. At a house 500 metres away, the equivalent sound pressure level would be 25-35 dB(A) when the wind is blowing from the turbine towards the house. Ten such wind turbines, all at a distance of 500 metres would create a noise level of 35-45 dB(A) under the same conditions. With the wind blowing in the opposite direction the noise level would be about 10 dB lower.”


Remember these are their figures not made up figures. The houses in Highgreen are 250m away from the site, using various calculations that works out at 47db(a) at 250m. Not a lot admitted, kind of like someone talking to you, which is ok, unless your trying to sleep of a summers evening with someone whispering sweet whoosing in your ear.


As for infrasound I’ve discovered just try googling it.


This is not a debate about nuclear or saving the planet its about building turbines too close to houses. EON state that closest wind farm to any housing they have in the whole UK is 650 to 900m.

THE HOUSES ARE 250 to 300m at Westwood. Just check a map.


Lets build turbines where they wont effect people.

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Build them where they won't affect people??


sorry, but continued use of fossel fuel affects EVERYONE!


I really cannot understand those who OBJECT to environmentally friendly forms of energy production. Do you actually not care what happens to the environment, just so long as it does not happen in your lifetime?? does it not bother you either that the gas suppliers at least are ripping you off?


I personally would love to see a 'carbon tax' introduced, whereby those using polluting forms of energy, like fossel fuels, powerstation derived electricity etc, pay a levy on it, while those who source their energy from wind/water turbines, solar panels etc pay a subtantially discounted price in comparison.


Money seems to be the ONLY medium some understand and wonder how many objectors would change their views if environmentally produced energy were, lets say, 50% cheaper?

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Build them where they won't affect people??


sorry, but continued use of fossel fuel affects EVERYONE!


I really cannot understand those who OBJECT to environmentally friendly forms of energy production. Do you actually not care what happens to the environment, just so long as it does not happen in your lifetime?? does it not bother you either that the gas suppliers at least are ripping you off?


I personally would love to see a 'carbon tax' introduced, whereby those using polluting forms of energy, like fossel fuels, powerstation derived electricity etc, pay a levy on it, while those who source their energy from wind/water turbines, solar panels etc pay a subtantially discounted price in comparison.


Money seems to be the ONLY medium some understand and wonder how many objectors would change their views if environmentally produced energy were, lets say, 50% cheaper?



I'm as much a Nimby as you are an Eco Nazi


There are 10,000's of acres to build wind farms around sheffield, but no Sheffield CC wants to build them 250m from houses.



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  • 1 month later...

I think wind farms are a great idea:D.


However research shows that peoples health can be affected by wind turbines within 1.5 kilometers of there homes. In the USA no wind farms can be built within 2 kilometers of a residential area. The UK governments own information regarding wind farms advises that wind farms should not be built within 1.5 kilometers od a residensial area.


The proposed site at High Green is approximatly 700 mtrs from a residential area and there are also three schools within the 1.5 kilometer area.


The Sheffield council must have lost there minds :loopy: why spend council tax payers money persuing a project that can never work.


As I said in the title: NOT IN ANYONES BACK YARD

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