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What ever happened to the old cricket test ground?

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Sorry to drag this old post up, but,, have anyone of you a link for any old photo`s of the old ground befor it was knocked down

....although the final cricket match was played in '73..

...the old pavillion was eventually demolished in 1979 to reveal the "new" south stand which was built directly in front of it. The pavillion site was then levelled to expand the car park. :thumbsup:

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  • 3 years later...
Last match there, Yorkshire v Lancashire 4,6,7, August 1973. Lord Hawke has put a curse on the football for the removal of first-class cricket which may explain the Blades' lack of silverware.


I went to that game, can't remember who won, Geoff Boycott was out for 11 and the first time I had Spam and tomatoe sandwiches with piccallili!

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Guest sibon
I went to that game, can't remember who won, Geoff Boycott was out for 11 and the first time I had Spam and tomatoe sandwiches with piccallili!


I went too. It was a draw.

The middle day was washed out and Boycott refused to give me his autograph.

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I went too. It was a draw.

The middle day was washed out and Boycott refused to give me his autograph.


My gran's next door neighbour was a Yorkshire CC member and took me to the last two games at the Lane. The first was against Derbyshire which we won I think? As Sibon says, the final game against Lancs was a draw and I seem to remember the rain more than the match. The match was televised on BBC and it seemed my gran's neighbour had some privileges as a member because I met most of the BBC 'cricket personalities' of the time and got all the Yorkshire players autographs.....


except Mr Boycotts as he refused when I asked :(

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I remember the Derbyshire game.

Brian Bolus the Derbyshire captain,who had a grudge against Yorkshire for sacking him,had scored a century in their second innings before declaring and setting Yorkshire a very difficult target.It looked impossible until David Bairstow came in and started hitting sixes,including one over the practice nets into Shoreham Street,and bullying his partners into taking impossible singles.Yorkshire won in the last over.

Nice to see David's son Jonathan doing so well.

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they built a sty on it


I think you'll find the ground was already there, TURNIP, plus the fact & I know someone will have a go at correcting me. It's one of ONLY 2 grounds in the world (The Oval being the other) or at least GB that has hosted league football, international football, county cricket, cricket test match & an FA cup final & semi finals & replays. it has also hosted Billy Graham evangelical meetings, rugby league & a pop concert, plus in years gone by besides United; Sheffield FC & SWFC have also played home games there before it became United's home in 1889.

Edited by Bypassblade
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When the "Lane" was being redeveloped in to a football only stadium, I seem to recall a mystery about a very old, very large, solid one piece table in the committee room of the old pavilion going missing one night during the demolition of said pavilion. It was thought the table was put in place and then the walls were constructed during the original building of the pavilion.

The mystery being that it was too large and heavy to be moved without proper lifting gear and there was no way of taking it out without knocking an opening through a wall or taking the roof out. No opening was knocked out of any wall and the roof was still there when the contractors appeared the following morning - when I left Sheffield in the early eighties the mystery was still unsolved.

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