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Everything posted by cryinglion

  1. Bannerdale Road is very nice but it is not in the Nether Edge catchment area. The western end is in Greystones catchment and the eastern end in Carterknowle. This map can be used to check catchments. https://maps.sheffield.gov.uk/LocalViewExt/Sites/SchoolCatchmentandLocation2015_16/ There is real pressure on primary school places in some parts of the city and some schools are very hard to get into, even if you move into the catchment. The local authority will find a place for your son but it may not be able to find one right away in the school you want. I think it would be worth ringing the schools that you are interested in to find out if they are full and get a feel for how often places become available. Best of luck with the house hunting.
  2. Quote from Ofsted - School Inspections: a guide for parents "A school that was judged to be outstanding at its last inspection is exempt from routine inspection. We will not normally inspect ‘exempt schools’ unless we have a concern about their performance. Ofsted will also carry out an annual assessment of an exempt school’s performance (from the third year after the school’s last inspection) to determine whether an inspection might be necessary. " You can download it here. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-inspections-a-guide-for-parents Ofsted are proposing shorter inspections for good schools too. Details on their website. Some of Sheffield's outstanding schools haven't been inspected since 2006/2007.
  3. In March the University of Sheffield Dept of Lifelong Learning will run the Discover short programme, designed to inspire you to progress with learning. Sounds like you are the sort of person it is aimed at. https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/till/discover From the website "Are you interested in studying towards a degree? Would you like to visit local museums and galleries? Would you like to build your confidence and learn new skills? Would you like to find out about courses at the University of Sheffield?" I am currently studying with the Department of Lifelong Learning. They have recently undergone a major restructuring so I'm not sure that the web pages will give you all the info you need, certainly all of the information on open days is out of date - probably best to contact them directly. Best of luck. ---------- Post added 29-12-2014 at 11:20 ---------- Department for Lifelong Learning link http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/till/
  4. Yes, more than happy to meet and chat about the school. I have sent you a PM. The school is having an open day on Thursday 27 Sept - all welcome.
  5. No problem FreedomRider. It was lovely to meet you and I'm so glad you liked the school and can skip all that form filling and stress. The climbing wall has caused so much excitement in our house recently that I can't believe I forgot to tell you about it! As I said in my last post I'm more than happy to chat to anyone who needs more information about the school - just pm me.
  6. My kids go there and they love it. It is an excellent school and we've been very impressed with all aspects of the teaching and support they receive. In my experience the schoolkids are very well behaved - discipline was one of the reasons I chose the school - and the school has always been very quick to react to any misbehaviour on the part of pupils. I'm sure the school will be happy to show you around and if anyone wants a first hand account from a white parent then please pm me and we can meet for a coffee.
  7. I got my invitation yesterday. I'm still cryinglion. I've only had a very quick look as I got distracted by a lovely pattern for a cardi - so excited I even knitted a tension square!
  8. Sharrow sure start have a baby cafe on Monday mornings from 10.30am. There's a midwife on hand and free coffee and biscuits. They also have a drop in session for expectant and new mums on a Wednesday afternoon.
  9. There is a toddlers group at Abbeydale Primary School, Glen Road, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9.15 to 11.15. Its also runs on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. It doesn't run during school holidays but will start up again in September. I take my little boy to the morning sessions and he loves going. In fact most mornings start with a request to "go toddlers see Sally" followed by tears if it's not a toddlers morning. Sally runs the group. Sessions cost 50p. The surestart centre in Sharrow have leaflets with details about all the local toddler stay-and-play groups too - there are quite a few and they sent me a leaflet only the other day but I'm afraid I can't lay hands on it. If I find it I'll post the details.
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