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Everything posted by Clearway

  1. Well the Arabs wouldn't lie would they? only Israelis and the civilised Western people tell lies.
  2. Of course they're cowards, the big but is that it's the hamas not the Israelis who are terrorists. The Israelis should be applauded for showing up the Arab terrorist scum for the scum that they are especialy how much importance they place on human life even when the Arabs don't.
  3. Of course all terrorists are cowards but I don't recognise that Iraelis are cowards/terrorists for defending themselves against brainwashed muslim/hamas terrorists. Muslims are well known as racists for endorsing the destruction of Israel.
  4. Rubbish!!!!! Boats are regularly boarded in international waters on a daily basis, this is when they are suspected of carrying contraband and other ilicit cargoes. This thread title is misleading Israel did not attack an aid convoy it boarded a suspected arms smugglers boat.
  5. It's great to see more people on this forum who can see the wood for the trees and tell it as it really is. Rupert_Baehr, excellent post keep it up.
  6. The palestinians are in the position they are in due to what is classed as a 'self infilicted injury', true their conduct has brought a sometimes over reaction by the Israelis. You fire Rockets into a country and you get your ass kicked, you set off suicide bombs attacking civillians you get your ass kicked. When will they learn to ignore their warmongering terrorist leaders and fanatical religious leaders and just get down to proving that they can live alongside the Israelis in a civilised manner.
  7. And just ask yourself what the outcome would have been had the people on the boat not attacked the Israelis.
  8. What a sillly post, once those brave soldiers hit the deck they were acting independently, in a live combat situation, due to the fact that they were attacked with thrown objects and metal bars. Any British Unit would have acted in the same manner and justifiably so. If the blockade runners had not attacked the Israelis the matter would soon have been resolved without bloodshed.
  9. Lovely people the PLO, at least King Hussein of Jordon (R.I.P) (PBUH) knew how to treat them when they tried it on with him.
  10. So what you're really saying is the two wrongs make a right other than the terrorist can do no wrong whilst the Israelis have to play by the rules.
  11. You seem to be asking a question you've already answered.
  12. It seems to me that the general opinion is that Tab1 generaly twists the wording of posts.
  13. It was the Hamas cowards/terrorist wish/intention/aim to kill as many innocent Israeli men women and children as possible. It is not my claim about these cowardly terrorist rocket attacks thay are fact.
  14. Don't think, in your case it'll give you an headache. this is born out by the amount of drivel you spout after you've tried to think.
  15. So if you know the locations why haven't you reported them?
  16. How can you measure what is didproportionate to a troubled mind, if the man was in a reasonable frame of mind he woukldn't have killed anyone.
  17. Nobody is denying that the Israelis defended themselves, they didn't board the ship and open fire, they opened fire when they were brutaly attacked with metal bars by peaceful people no less.
  18. I didn't see any threads of protest from you when the Hamas terrorists cowards were randomly firing rockets into Israel from behind human shields. What set of morons you seem to support.
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