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Everything posted by Entwhistle

  1. So you think that the missing bicycle thread was serious?
  2. I would agree that VERY few accuse me of it often. I can count them on one hand. They keep monotonously repeating the same thing in the hope that people will eventually agree. Actually there are only one/two of them.
  3. I really do not know what the post count thing is and why it is considered to be important.
  4. OK. So do you think that I am trolling in this thread and attempting to cause an argument or do you think that I am merely discussing?
  5. I am merely attempting to get peoples opinions! TOUCHY!
  6. I guess that in my opnion a troll, in internet terms, is someone that you allow to "get under your skin" and they continue getting under your skin with the soul purpose of annoying you. But who is at fault there?
  7. Can you explain where the lines are drawn between the different entities?
  8. But by your own definition, because you expect a reaction to your post are you not a troll?
  9. Are they entirely different entities or different words for the same thing? Is not an argument simply a debate that you are losing and so decide that the other person/persons involved are being argumentative purely to save face? Is not a troll,so called, very often someone who disagrees with you in a debate or argument and so you call him/her a troll as it is perceived as a good means of gaining an upper hand in the debate or argument?
  10. I gently prise mine upwards with a knife. They are usually a "snap fit" and come off quite easily. Sometimes when I am in a mischevious mood I take a dozen or so off and put them back in the wrong place just to confuse the other people who use the computer. They end up writing gibberish!:hihi: Looking at some of the posts on here however it is obvious that someone has already played that trick on you!
  11. It wouldn't have been stood there that long if you had lived in Lower Manor!
  12. ahhh yes, my mistake!.....I am beginning to worry about you!
  13. Hmmmm....some threads, in my opinion are entertainment threads, I think like this one:huh:. Others are serious threads. Part of the fun is in spotting the difference...I think!
  14. Hmmmm.....the thread was never serious from the start? It was a fun thread? I think!
  15. I am going to give my OH an extra special treat this Valentines Day!
  16. It is of course the Tories who are to blame. When they deregulated the banks in the eighties, the "gambling bankers" were then free to gamble the savings of the working and middle classes on the international market.It is always easier to be wreckless when you gamble with other peoples money and of course in this case lives and welfare, but, it helped them get massive bonuses for a while. So while they sail their ocean going yachts around the Med we are left to pick up their mess.
  17. Which part of the cow does belly pork come from?
  18. I have heard and read lots of stuff about the agenda. Labour secretly set out to create what is now the abyss of multiculturalism. Actually it was the only aim that they have really achieved!
  19. 20% is not nibbling away a little it is MASSIVE! Yet still I think that the cuts under the Cons would be deeper.
  20. It is also worth remembering that when we see redundancies in the public sector, we see the "knock on" effect intensify. The PS employees no longer have the money to go out and buy their new fridges, or computers, or other consumer goods. This in turn effects the High Sreet stores who lay off staff, the people who manufacture the goods, the people who transport the goods etc, etc, etc. The downward spiral continues! BUT on a happier note...IT IS STEAK NIGHT......YUMMY!:love:
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