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Everything posted by bangie

  1. hello is this boxing class still going ?
  2. Lol it's fine. Ended up not goin due to forecast but fingers crossed goin to messingham on Sunday so if u have any tips would be appreciated ---------- Post added 16-05-2014 at 17:31 ---------- Hi I'm fishing woodhouse grange fisheries on Sunday think it's willows pond can anyone give me any advice on bait please. And also where is the main group page thanks
  3. Thanks I will if I can find it lol and int bangie or Angie lol
  4. hello people im a newish fisher woman and im fishing this sat may 10th at charnock on there top pond. can anyone give me any tips please thanks
  5. hi can anyone recomend a good torroist / clairvoyant in sheffield if u could leave a number for them would appreciate it thanks
  6. hi does anyone know if there is a boxercise class in ecclesfield or chapletown or near on thanks people
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