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Everything posted by Abbs

  1. Recently, I applied for work experience through school, of which to be turned away , with the message of 'all placements are taken'. I Need a placement rather urgently, maybe in either health or childcare? If anyone could point me in a helpful direction, I would be more than grateful! Many thanks, Abbey
  2. Theres an ice cream parlour in meadowhall next to boots, sells twinkies and a few other american items
  3. well that makes sense. the inner city area tends to hold cheaper housing and therefore is more affordable to those on little/ no income, a bit like my family, though I really cant say we live in poverty, me and my sister get alot less than one most people do, however my mum works her arse off for us - atleast shes trying.
  4. Word of warning to every parent of Ecco school. Having yet another clamp down on uniform. Loose fitting trousers only. No boots. No Brightly dyed hair. atleast an A4 sized bag. No Leggins/Jeggins.
  5. Miss corks still there, she mainly does supplying now, due to illnesses but she taught me for almost a full year of geography...shes annoying.
  6. ;D Yay, going to see Monster!monster! next (:
  7. aww ;/ ..Corp it is then, I likes it ;]
  8. I know alotta places but...They just dont seem to be what they were ):
  9. I mean, I Know its notorious for whores and Ive heared about thisone barmaid whoo...yeah she was the next best thing to a whore :/
  10. Hmm...Whats the Nelson like? If you've ever been...
  11. Damn, before me then ): Yeah ive been thyre before Ive been to three gigs theyre two of which I loved ^_^
  12. Every time I go to dev green..Its empty as for the peace Gardens,...well the ass-bassadors kicked alot of them, or banned them during the summer = FailEmo+Goths. How long did you hang around for theyre anyways? :L
  13. Why do I never see this Kind of people around anymore, I, Myself am deffinately alternative But I never see many others now adays, apart from around town, Its upseting cos I dont wanna be the only one left.. Where are they all? D:
  14. Hey, Just trying to find people who often go to Gigs at the corp,anyone going any time soon? (:
  15. Still, Holds alot of good memorys, I mean the stalls themselves are clean, sure the place might smell and yeah the floor might not be that clean, but the stalls are disinfected and safe so its all good. either way, theres always gunna be atleast one dealer, cant get rid of them tbh :/
  16. A Large Part of Sheffield will die when the Market goes... were Really not well off, but when the market does go we will be paying more for food. admittedly, ive been offered countless numbers of drugs whilst ive been in that area, ive been harrassed by a few perverts and,yes the area is very scruffy. But the food inside is rather nice, and there are a great number of respectable people who work there.
  17. Ideal..Meh, If not theyres always a Nursing home 5 minutes away...
  18. Skills wise, I can cook,garden and I used to go to girls brigade and did a Little bit of waitressing on Their Cafe-mornings. I can Look after pets and dogs and whatnot + I am good with little kids (: ..Im beginning to sound Like a house wife ;/
  19. No, I Only turned 15 On the 17th, Yeah I cant do much At the moment - Cant wait for that Darn insurance Card. Its that, Im sick of sponging Off my family, We really dont have alot of Cash right now, so If I want any, I want to earn it myself and I can go spend it on whatever I choose/ put it away for special occasions,ect,ect.
  20. If your working for a resteraunt and whatnot you Tend to have to eb over 16 unless you know the owner, Porter, Im guessing is like waitressing, also you have to show them some ID (: internet marketing, No idea what to sell, however ebay is a good bet.
  21. Im after some sort of Saturday Job, But the question Ive been asking, is What Can I do? Ive so Far, done alot of flyering In sheffield centre, I HATED This and I rather be doing somthing More productive then standing pestering people in the city centre on a Busy saturday afternoon. Over Christmas I worked in a small shop, I enjoyed this (: Question is...What Can I do Now :/ Ideas Much appreciated
  22. That little building, to this day is called the prefab My years at saint patricks 1999-2007 some sad sad times admittedly :l
  23. Lol, Trust me, the corp, if your gothic, emo or alternative, you'll fit right in. Im a little on the goth side, fit like a glove ^_^.
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