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Everything posted by tone1

  1. I think they are going to put many on IB onto JSA,so they have to look for work.
  2. Well my mistake then but I stand by everything I have said about women and junctions.
  3. this isnt about how many crashes they have but more about how long they take to move from junctions.
  4. So do you drive then?cus you seem to have avoided that bit.
  5. Cant comment on tudgay but we have brought in davis to replace killa its odvious.
  6. Thats the first sensible thing you have ever said,the tory party brought it in to fiddle the jobless figures back in the 80s.The truth is they are all the same liars and cheats and I wouldnt vote for any of the main parties.
  7. I guess your either female or go around with your eyes shut;)as to my driving lol I got clean license have had it like that for over 20 yrs have never had a crash and long may it continue. Can I ask if you can say the same? oh thats if you actually drive isnt it.
  8. I put it down to lack of confidence behind the wheel,they just slow everyone down and even when the road is clear they take a eternity to pull out,so bloody annoying.
  9. Just what is it with women and junctions? why is it they take forever and a day to pull out of junctions,talk about bloody frustrating if you happen to be behind one.
  10. that in itself is very silly,its not a suprise if you have sex without protection and then get pregnant:loopy: As to the OP they have some valid points but I dont know how you would enforce any of it unless you became a dictatorship.
  11. Evans really is the laziest striker at the club,he needs to pull his finger out 3 mill we paid for him and he looks worth about 50 grand.
  12. Lousy performance again,all hit and run stuff I along with many on the kop were bored to death with it,this cant go on we are not picking the points up and the style of football is awful. We did improve for the last 15 or so which is what we always seem to do but its not good enough,thank god little played cus he was our only quality out there,the only reason we are still top 6 is cus the rest are not doing it either.
  13. cheers for that,but like I say the price is more and me being tight like well enough said.
  14. looks to be a good night there,might have to pop along sometime.
  15. I would love to try it but im a season tickett holder on the kop.I think its about £100 more for a season tickett on that end.
  16. I was thinking of moving from the kop to the bramall lane end but the price is putting me off.
  17. Anyone daft enought to still consider voting labour after the mess they have made needs to see a schrink.
  18. We defo need little to start the game,he made a big impact on tuesday,as to who will win a lot will depend on who is available for us,we have the quality to beat donny provided they are up for it.
  19. Boyfriday why do you misrepresent the BNP policy on immigration? you know full well that they are NOT going to force anyone from this country who is here perfectly legally.no banana boats will be going anywhere. The only people who will be removed will be those who have no legal right to be here and I think you know this only too well,please stop trying to twist facts to suit your agenda.
  20. lol they get the figures from the goverment,come on admit it the facts speak for themselves. I would have thought you being born here would also want to see british born and bred given priority over foreigners?or dont you mind that your gradchildren will have nowhere to live cus of mass immigration.?
  21. I think this is the relevant bit,dont know where you get the 1.5%? Speaking at the annual conference of the National Housing Federation in London today, Migrationwatch chairman, Sir Andrew Green said that in the last ten years, the number of UK born tenants in social housing in the UK has fallen by about 1.2 million while non UK-born tenants have increased by 300,000. As a result, the proportion of foreign born has increased from 7.2% to 11.1% - an increase of 54%.
  22. ok thats fair enough,were all blades aernt we.
  23. who do you think is responsible for the massive rise in TB? do you think that it might be immigrants from asia cus it was pretty much beaten years ago?
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