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  1. lmfao. i work on behalf of the rspca, doesnt mean that i particularly like them, but i guess they eserve some credit for what they do just like most of the other charities out there, so doesnt matter to me although i dont think youd actually nail a cat to your door now would you.
  2. they get paid from Fundraising International League they work with about 50 charities, and have a budget for each of them. your donation goes to the charity, and for each person you get to donate, you get some money from that budget. has nothing to do with the charity, its something to do with the national lottery.
  3. i work for marketing endeavours on 47 bank street. and it is a potential £300 a week yes, but we provide the training for it. i dont know anyone in the company that earns less than £200 a week because of that training, if you get really good at it, which is quite simple to, some people earn over £650 a week. all depends on the person, 100% performance based.
  4. i work for a marketing company on behalf of the rspca, whoevers guilt tripping them is doing something wrong, we dont guilt trip people, just tell them whats going onwith the charity, and why they need help, yeah we get money out of it too, but 1 not from the rspca and 2 they actually do need help and about the "they could be conmen thing" we always wear an id badge that you can check up on at any time and check that we are who we say we are and not some conmen if people let us into their homes, then thats fine, we obvs arent gonna do anything wrong because 1 wed lose our jobs as we leave them our details too 2 get a fine for it 3 probably get sent to jail. so theres nothing wrong with it at all lol.
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