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Lord Linx

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Everything posted by Lord Linx

  1. No, I don't (I am a teaching assistant) although I know teachers do.I am paid for the 39 weeks I work plus 4 weeks holiday pay. I do know that all the teachers I work with are well deserving of the extra pay! The stress and the hours they work out of school time are unbelievable. My kids teachers at Bradfield are especially hardworking from what I see.
  2. sorry - does anyone know when school staff get paid this december please?
  3. does anyone know when school staff are paid this december
  4. What about blue john jewellery, its near Sheffield anyway!
  5. anyone know whats happening with the electric on loxley road? Off all night last night!!!
  6. Anyone know what is happening near the Liverpool supporters memorial at the Wednesday ground? Lots of police with guns?
  7. Does anyone know what date council workers get paid this month?
  8. Oh yes! What an encouraging reply.Think I might consider it for my girl, Vikinrubz, my lovely.You are a superb spokeslady for this fine establishment m'dear.Will ride over tommorow and have a look at these views of the valley. Thank you.
  9. Fire engines ambulances etc seemed to be heading up towards Bradfield rather quickly this morning.anyone know what was happening?
  10. Right just call it basic English then, but the requirement of a decent standard of it should be absolutely definite.Too many people seem to think that it is fine to allow spell and grammar check to do the job.Context never seems to come into it any more. My daughter's English teacher wants her to start 'focussing' on her spelling!!!!!!! Good grief, they will be allowing me to perform brain surgery next. what a scary thought.
  11. Any Bradfield school teachers on here that know why some year 10s have their reports, but not others? Can't get through to school to ask!
  12. I'd think "lucky so and so, being able to work from home in all this sun"
  13. Well. All I can say in response to such a responsible and caring citizen, is this............... What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. What do you do anyway vikinrub that is so important that you haven't got time to watch the weather like the rest of us good souls.
  14. Me. I am always right.I saw him on the telly and he was in Sheffield and London so he must live in one of 'em - right?
  15. So, can't you get a kind and understanding colleague to cover for you while you pop off to the W.I. in preparation for your retirement.I bet you work with some lovely people.
  16. Lots of police outside Wisewood shops tonight and down Hallowmoor road. Anyone know what went off?
  17. This thread alone shows Sheffielders in a good light, as most people are outraged and angry about the insult to our War Memorial. I don't agree with the people that want him jailed or flogged because at the end of the day he's only a young yob and had too much to drink, and thinks he's clever. Doing sports technology at Hallam, he's hardly likely to be Brain of Britain after all I agree.Why people want to resort to physical violence I don't understand.The stupid boy needs educating and then given an appropriate punishment,cleaning up public places etc.Then maybe working with the soldiers undergoing rehab, poppy selling etc. There are not many of us who havent dome something we regret. Even though this kid has been spectacularly disrespectful, I don't think his life needs ruining.
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