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Everything posted by Banana.man

  1. This whole sorry episode is the best advert possible for banning all religion. Its just a pity theres no chance of that ever happening.
  2. Ive said all i can say. Its a shame you dont recognise the kind of honesty i enjoy with my kids.
  3. I didnt jump on anything deliberatly:confused: I commented on something you said.
  4. You gotchad no one pal but whatever makes you happy:rolleyes:
  5. I accept your appology and offer one of ym own for not giving you more chance to explain what you meant. Look, i do know what all of you think about me. 'Stupid parent who belives their child can do no wrong' but no. Its not like that. From a very early age they were taught to be honest. Above all else be honest and if you do wrong take the wrap and move on. My girls have a lot of respect form me and me them. It was me who they came to for advice when they started their periods. Me who took them shopping for clothes. Me who they would want to speak to when they had boyfriends at school and the boy wanted more than they were ready to give. I have to admit im a very lucky man for having the relationship with them that i do but its not always been easy. Its taken a lot of hard work to get what we have. In my opinion sex is meant for marrage and not before. My kids agree with this and so they waited. They waited until the right time. Its not my fault some here have a problem beliveing that but i think thats their problem, not mine.
  6. I know my kids. I brought them up and i taught them the importance of ALWAYS being honest no matter the consequences. This is something that they have stuck to from early childhood and hasent changed. Some people really cant handle the fact that some parents do a better job than others. Rather sad really.
  7. Your sick. And you obviously have no clue what its like to have an honest relationship with anyone. Ill answer no more posts of yours as you are clearly just trying to make out im lying or some kind of pervert.
  8. So i have a bulldog to make me look hard? Nice generalisation.
  9. Simple. My kids dont lie to me and i dont lie to them. When asked outright i got an honest.
  10. Queenie is just a figurehead with no real power. She cant do a thing about anything.
  11. Changed your tune? In terms of most things i dare say they arent. They didnt like keeping their rooms tidy, didnt like doing homework, they didnt like mums cooking but they didnt have sex before they were married. That i am 100% certain of. Look, rahter than take potshots at a succesful parent why not divert your energies to taking them at the more deserving cases. The parents of the ferel scum who roam our streets harrasing the innocent, the ferel scum who arent 'in with the crowd' until they have had at least a dozen sexual partners? Possibly because its a little close to home?
  12. It wont happen until the last possible minute. Even labour arent that stupid. They know they will lose so why rush?
  13. Thats just it aint it. You dont WANT to listen simply because im right. Obviously my kids thought what i had to say was worth listening to as they have turned out great. Better than i could have dared hope infact and they didnt need to have sex before their time to do it. By the way, misogynistic???? Now that really made me laugh:hihi:.
  14. LOL... You holier than thou lot just cant handle the fact im a good parent with great kids who dont lie to their dad. Its me who feels sorry for your kids. You lot are the reason we have such crap morals in this country. When when of your little whores gets up the duff you blame society, booze, anything but your sweetheart. Newsflash people. ITS YOUR FAULT AS PARENTS. YOU HAVE FAILED YOUR KIDS AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!
  15. Feel sorry for my kids all you like. At least they arent slags who drop their knickers for anyone and everyone. They have the same morals and standards i have. They have good jobs and are both married. As for not being able to talk to me about it?!?!?! How the hell do you think i know what i know Sherlock?
  16. What an incredible judgment youve just made. You have no clue how i speak to my children Trust me, i know they havent
  17. I live in the real world. Its worked with my kids but then i suppose im either lying or a bad parent for not letting them explore their sexuality and risk getting an std or pregnant.
  18. I dont need any sex education. I know exactly what causes pregnancy and also how to PREVENT it!
  19. Stipid, moronic, male slags who think the sun shine out of their penis. These idiots are equally to blame and so are their parents. Saying that if the girls didnt make it so easy for them then im sure there wouldnt be nearly as many teenage pregnancies.
  20. Lack of intelligence? Call it want you want. I call it morals and standards. Tell me i lack intelligence when your daughter is the local bike giving out rides for 50p a go.
  21. Only a slag would agree with her. Why do you women find it so difficult to wait until your wedding night before dropping your knickers? Why is it so stupid to want to teach your daughter not to be the local bike? Oh thats right, modern Britain Its people with your outlook on things thats put us in this mess we are in with the highest teenage prgnancy rate in europe. Get a grip and teach your kids some self respect.
  22. Only a slag would open her legs before shes married. If you cant handle that then thats your lookout.
  23. Why cant everyone be so polite as you? I dont agree with everything youve said but i respect your opinion. Thankyou PlainTalker:)
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