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Everything posted by giar68

  1. Yes anyone can come along its open to everyone of all abilities.
  2. We host a knitting group on a Friday morning 10 - 12 at Nathan's Craft and Tearoom Stannington S6.
  3. We are always looking for new crafters, Nathans Craft & Tearoom in stannington that also offers suppported employment to disabled adults. No rental just commission on items sold.
  4. Nathans craft and tearoom are hosting a ceramic evening 6.30pm - 9.00pm 5th April if interested in attending or for more information contavt Angie 07730572908.
  5. Dear all just wanted to make you aware of Nathan's craft and tearoom that has been set up to offer supported employment to Nathan who is registered severely sight impaired, deaf and has learning disabilities. At the tearoom you can enjoy a drink and cake, afternoon tea etc all made on the premises. Nathan's tearoom is about inclusion and changing attitudes please come and support Nathan. He can be found on Facebook or try http://www.nathanstearoom.com they are open wed-Fri 9-3.
  6. Sheffield Crafty Tykes is a crochet, knitting and sewing group that meets at Nathan's Craft & Tearoom in Stannington every Friday 10-12. This group is for experienced knitters , crafters needing help or those wanting to learn.
  7. Contact us at Nathan's craft and tearoom we are wanting to run activities. Fridays 10-12 we host Sheffield Crafty Tykes where you can learn to crochet etc. Happy to look at setting up a card making group or something similar.
  8. We have recently opened in Stannington (S6) a Craft and tearoom for our disabled son who enjoys creating and meeting people our shop is called Nathan's. I am looking for ideas for craft activities or groups that people may be interested in joining. Are their any crafter's who would be interested in holding a class within our premises? We will be holding children's Saturday morning breakfast club from now until Christmas. We are planning a Christmas open night 4th December with a small brass band playing some carols and I have space available if anyone would be interested in selling their own crafts at this event or just joining us. I also have space to display and sell other peoples craft please contact me via pm for more information. Thank you for reading any advice or suggestions gratefully received.
  9. Thought this may give a little more insight into Nathan's Craft and Tearoom. It is an article about him that was in the Yorkshirepost. It is now open Monday, Wednesday and Fridays to begin with 9-4 to help Nathan settle. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/yorkshire-living/health-family/do-too-many-of-us-underestimate-those-with-learning-difficulties-1-6820966
  10. Need advice have a ideal combi 35 that when you turn on the hot water the radiators become hot even though central heating turned off on boiler and thermostat turned off. The diverted activator valve has been changed but problem still persists. Thanks for any suggestion.
  11. Thank you beansforyou we called in at the Nichols building and brought some wool to have a play. We watched a you tube video and I have a pictorial taken when he was at college so will give it ago. He is openning his own workshop and shop in Stannington so he has the space. Shall let you know how we get on.
  12. Hi I have a son with learning difficulties and is visually impaired he has done some felting at Henshaws in Harrogate and would like to do more of this he will have his own workshop. I would be very interested in learning more with him. Could I have more information please.
  13. Looking for an U15's team for my son for next season.
  14. Any U14 teams still looking for players? Thanks
  15. My 13 year old son is now looking for a team as his team has withdrawn. He has been playing in goal and midfield. Please pm me with details. Thanks
  16. Woodhouse Juniors U14's looking for players. We will be holding trials towards the end of June for details and to find out more information please contact Craig 07762583036.
  17. Woodhouse Juniors FC U14's are looking for players. For more information contact Craig 07762583036.
  18. I have two laptops that are not working properly. One Acer aspire 7730 that will not connect to the Internet and is saying system error unable to communicate with windows etc. The other is a dell 1545 that will not load up leaving a blank screen. Could anyone give me any advice of possible costs to repair or anything I could do or am I looking at a buying new laptops. Thanks
  19. Yeah its deep enough lost nothing last year so no idea why. The big fish that are around 4lb ish are ok we have a 4 year sturgeon thats fine. Been out this morning and the rest seem ok.
  20. Thanks...not added any water other than all the rain we have had. Had a minor powercut but it only lasted a short while. No marks or any sign of disease on them although last one to die you could see all its blood vessels so wondered if it might be an oxygen problem. Have increased fountain and airstone and hope that works.
  21. Got up to find several of the medium to small fish in my pond had died. I have an airstone and filter was cleaned a month or so ago.Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the problem may be? Going to turn up air pump. Thanks
  22. Thanks for the replies...my son is gutted he is mad on his wildlife knows where every nest is in the garden. Just hope the second bird survives have two baby collar doves that are doing well, Robin and blackbirds all hiding in the garden as they have left their nests. The wood pigeon definately fell or was knocked out by a visiting magpie as it was very young still had some yellow feathers. Real shame.
  23. Hi thanks for your replies have taken it to the vets, initially thought they could patch it up and try and release it but when the vet examined it they found a nasty compound fracture that they would not be able to be repaired. Upset that they will have to put it to sleep but like the vet said it was not very old and even if repaired would not be able to fly. Came home to find the parents sat in the tree but they have another to rear so hope they will be successful. Thanks for all your replies.
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