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Everything posted by danny2009

  1. I am starting a new job at Meadowhall next week and was given a rota yesterday saying I have a really late shift which I can't do. I am in no way 'work-shy' I just simply cannot get home after 11pm and I can't afford to pay 20 quid for a taxi. And yes I understand that people with certain jobs have to work late but as was said by someone else you apply for certain jobs already knowing this. I also happen to work in one of the city centre night clubs and after Friday and Saturday nights share a taxi home with 2 other people at about 5am. I'm then happy to get up at 8.30am and go back to work in the morning. I have been doing so for my old job for the past 6 months. People still assume I'm just work-shy for not working until midnight at Meadowhall?
  2. anyone know how easy it is to actually get on a tram at halfway??
  3. shoezone in crystal peaks is closing at 12 not sure what that says about other shops there
  4. theyve not got any at shoezone already called em but thanks! denlin - i know what you mean but shes gotta wear a skirt for 1 interview, will have nowhere to get changed and with snow this deep without wearing waterproof trousers she will get wet legs! shes a bit on the short side lol
  5. anyone got any ideas where to get some womens wellies near s20/crystal peaks??? my girlfriend has got to get to 4 job interviews in the next 2 days (2 were supposed to be today!) and really doesn't want to have to turn up in her big walking boots but doesn't have any other shoes that will stop her feet getting wet!
  6. NOTBUSY...you say you're in s20...have you been out and about so far this morning??
  7. Posted : 1 December 2010 7:19 Services affected by snowfall - Wednesday 1st December 2010 Seasonal service information It is with regret that we inform customers that due to the advsere weather, all services are currently suspended. We will continue to review the situation and post any updates on this page. Stagecoach in Sheffield will update this information regularly. For further information please call 01226 202 555
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