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Everything posted by ryski_06

  1. Hi I am a member of a dance group who need a room for once a week everyweek, so it will be a regular thing. Can give anymore information on availability. Cheers
  2. Hi, I am a body attack instructor looking to get hold of some old releases, I have looked at the FitPro les mills music shop and the old releases are out of print. If anyone can help me please contact me. Cheers
  3. Hiya, I don't know the charleston, only know limited Lindy Hop (love it) but I do know Rock N Roll and I know City limits very well, I go there in a rock n roll dance group. I can vouch for it and they do private lessons you just tell them what you wanna learn and they will teach you. Igor is a good one to ask for. I am also wanting to learn charleston as well and lindy hop too! but I don't have a partner so that is my stumbling block, so I am looking for a female dance partner to dance these with me. The private lessons are £30 an hour for the highest quality tuition so if you have a partner that is £15 but it is one to one tuition.
  4. This place is the best......That is where I go, I did the beginners Rock N'Roll there and it was most excellent. Igor the Dance teacher is the best and is totally underated there, you can't go wrong with him, this guy knows his dances and if he don't know it it ain't worth learning/knowing. I am now in his Rock N Roll Dance group at city limits and we danced in chance to dance in the city centre this June gone by.
  5. True, but the basic moves of Lindy Hop and R N' R are the same, in that they are done in 6 counts, move is slow slow quick-quick slow and the quick-quick is a rock back (so stepping back on left leg for the male and the lady mirrors the man). So if you can dance one you can do the other......but lindy is lot more bendy in the knees and butt sticking out whilst rock n roll is more like jive stance and just as bouncy.
  6. Wish I'd have known about this sooner......just my luck
  7. Cheers guys absolutely ace will look into these and hopefully attand one. Does anyone know what fashion men wear to burlesque shows etc or any info on the male burlesque fashion......I have ideas such as gangsta type or a gomez addmas look.
  8. Hi all, The other day I got talking to some random person about burlesque and they told me that there were somes regular shows and even burlesque clubs/bars in sheffield. Now me being, me has gone and forgotten the names of the places and or show/events. So if anybody out there knows of any burlesque shows or clubs etc could you let me know. Cheers
  9. Hi does anybody know of a dance school in the sheffield area that teaches 70's Disco dancing. I do most other dances and am loyal to the dance place I currently do all the other dancing I do, but they used to do Disco dancing which has now stopped. So if anyone knows of anywhere could you let us know, Cheers. Oh also can anyone recommend a place for break dance and street dance, I have been to several places all pretty much rubbish as they try and teach a whole routine in an 30 mins of 1 hr class it just ain't happening......looking for somewhere which goes thro moves nice a slow and then learning choreography to songs. Again Cheers, masses of sheffield.
  10. Hi, do you happen to know of any at all with a city centre location. Cheers!
  11. Are there any wiccan covens in sheffield that are not quite made up of 13 and therefore need people to make up numbers........or.........is anybody interested in making up a coven, any age, sex etc. I am male and alot of covens seem to want female only. Any body apart of a coven and need people let me know or if people are interested in starting one let me know. Cheers.
  12. I personally think it doesn't matter what we try to do nowaday, the Eurovision contest has been become too political, not nice, I know but a fact. The trouble is the Baltic and Eastern European countries vote only for each other, so the western countries don't get a chance.
  13. I agree, if the series is going to follow on a similar line to the BBC's version of Robin Hood it is going to be bad, but I am one for giving things a chance. I am a little dissappointed that Arthur (a prince in this) is actually older than Merlin.
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