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Ms Interpret

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Posts posted by Ms Interpret

  1. Many years ago when the park was home to the famous Sheffield Show every year (which were great) I believe most of the park was cordoned off and we paid an entrance fee so this is the same thing, Personally I dont think its a good thing moving the tramlines here as its spoiled the spirit of it but Its done now so not much we can do about it I hope its a success though as I am sure it will do the city some good.

  2. I worked there around that time That was when we all worked incredibly hard but also knew how to have fun and enjoy our work! There were no layer on layer of mangement just one matron a deputy matron for each corridor one sister per ward and a team of SRNs SEN and auxilliarys. I was there when Princess Diana visited if you remember that I remember sister kemp sister cutler sister modest sister couldwell dep matron jackie wright and a deputy male matron ? Mr Mcdonald ?

  3. As a kid I used to shoot rats on the tip almost every other day and at the weekends ride my motocross bikes on Parkwood Springs.

    Do you remember the old Ropers tip right down the hill behind Shirecliffe College, that was where we used to find sealed transparent plastic bags with pairs of gloves in them covered in grey powder, also inside each bag was a sheet of paper that was headed Windscale and had printed on it questions about radioactive levels and boxes that were filled in by hand with numbers.

    I thought this was common knowledge.



    have you checked how many fingers and toes you now have ?? The things we did as kids would make the elf and safety brigade have heart attacks!!:loopy:

  4. I notice it now has a SOLD sign up so watch this space Blooming eck just seen this!!!




    Looks like thats not working but the auction result says sold for £250000 !

  5. Here we go Daven the troll always at the ready!! Its got nothing to do the Sheffield Star its got everything to do with STH grabbing more money and putting money making first

    The WRVS have always been popular in Sheffield hospitals and have done a fantastic job all with volunteers and they are now being thrown out with the rubbish Bring on the Costa Coffee shops who no doubt will be filling their space and their profit margins whilst putting zilch back into the hospital community Next they will be replacing the tea trolley on the wards selling their wares to sick patients . I hope the WRVS severe all ties with the greedy STH

  6. What a great venue Victoria Quays is, why is it not used more frequently? It was a lovely place to watch a film with the floating cinema with such a large group of people. Only disappointment was the 'artist' films shown beforehand. Sorry I did not get it.


    Yes! me and partner said exactly the same!! We would have preferred to see their work instead of them rattling on about themselves but I suppose it was free ( although I did make a small donation )

    Wonderful venue definatly needs to be used more

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