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Ms Interpret

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Posts posted by Ms Interpret

  1. I totally agree if anyone say sto me it a cockerpoop etc etc   I always say "in my day we called them mongrels or heinz 57"  I dont think it very PC these days though to call them that maybe crossbreed is nicer !

  2. 3 hours ago, vicky & John said:

    I have 6 boxes of Felix kitten food, 70 pouches in total would any cat shelter in the sheffield area except them from me. All the boxes are in date and I will deliver them personally to the shelter.


    Please consider Sheffield Friends of Ferals they do amazing work looking after the many street cats    ttps://www.facebook.com/friendsofferals/

  3. Hi can someone tell me about the common shift patterns for nurses and other medical staff in Sheffield hospitals, is there a standard rigid shift pattern or is there some flexibility in times e.g to start or finish 15 to 30 minutes earlier or later than the standard times? Thanks.


    Good luck with that one! The only flexibility is if it suits management or you have to work way beyond your finnish time!

  4. In many cases good bar staff are aware of what the regulars drink, and can serve them much more quickly than a bunch of dithering indecisive newcomers who probably each want a free sample of the beers on offer before deciding what to drink - and then want to pay by card (individually even when in a group).


    Seems reasonable to me.,

    what a load of twaddle if you dont mind me saying

  5. The owner of brewery is a very odd chap The problem I find in this pub is the regulars They stand around the bar and look you up and down when you walk in making you feel very uncomfortable and wont move out of the way for you to get served. They think no-one has the right to use thier pub in my opinion. Ive also heard that some them take uppance if you sit in "their" seat This kind of pub belongs in the last century I wish a decent brewery would take it over and give it a complete overhaul as it could be made really nice. . I realise its the regulars that keep some of these pubs open but pubs are for everyone not just a select few.

  6. . . . and nebbing.


    old quote i know but I havnt heard this said in a long time my mum used to say "who tha nebbin at?"

    Then she added to it saying "err next doer is a reyt nubucanezer" ( I am sure she made this up herself) its meaning was being nosey


    I also remember minny moking usually behind someones back (spelt differently in this thread) and was fascinated to learn the origin of this was how the factory girls used to speak to each other in the noise of the factories If memory serves me right this was featured in the film KES

  7. Ive just made a journey by bus from one end of the city to the other and quite enjoyed myself and it got me remembering for some reason holidays as a child to devon and norfolk when we didnt have a car and enjoying the day trips by coach to nearby places but especially enjoyed the "Evening Mystery Tour" where we all piled on a couach at 6pm not knowing where we going but it usually included the countryside a stop at a pub I suppose they were popular as not many people had cars in those days. I wonder if any companies still run tbese trips or are they assigned to history now ?

  8. What a strange request!! But here goes Try a walk around Neepsend bottom of rutland road theres an old brewery building there and lots of other disused industrial type places nearby including the old Stanley Tools place further up Rutland road, Wardsend Road at owlerton has a derilict Cemetery or the General Cemetery has lots of spooky old mausoleums that look like they are falling down Let us know how you get on

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