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Everything posted by Seishin

  1. Yang style Tai Chi beginners classes in Heeley.Walkley and Banner Cross available. Topics covered include Nei Kung, Chi Kung pushing hands and Grasp Sparrows Tail Form. Yang Chen Du 108 form. Get in touch if you want to know more. Tel Dill on 07722 462144. https://www.facebook.com/groups/303130183583017/
  2. Seishin Karate and Koshinkan, Sheffield present. Sensei Joost Frehe. London representative of Patrick McCarthy, Koryu Uchinadi teaching in Sheffield. Saturday 21st April. 1 till 5pm. £20 adults/15 Juniors. The Scout Hut. 17 Botanical rd. Hunters Bar. S11 8RP. Contact. Dill Young 07722 462144 We have a few places left for anyone interested in the pragmatic application of kata application and two person drills that Koryu Uchinadi is famous for. This is a great opportunity for any martial artists to come and learn in an open and friendly environment. Please get in touch for more info. Everyone welcome regardless of style or affiliation. Thank you.
  3. We have moved on to more kata based pair work. I used to practise and teach all the wado partner work. Whilst there are some sound principles,moving off the line, using your opponents energy against them etc. I found them to be too stlyised and not very effective when against someone that doesnt do Wado. Its not to say I didint enjoy training in Wado, but I found it wasnt taught very well and am afraid, like most Japanese karate , too stylised and not enough understanding of principles.The relationship between Kihon , kata and kumite doesnt make sense.(except if you do more sport orientated karate, because of the distance you use) So rather than just learn a bunch of techniques that must be done exactly how your Instructor does them and his before that, I prefer to teach with a more open minded understanding that allows a much freer approach to pairs work, as opposed to doing a lot of stuff that doesnt really make much sense other than to preserve a system that in my opinion is too rigid in its teaching methodology. Thats my personal view based on my background in Wado. I found the same in Shotokan and Goju-ryu. I Just prefer to practise "Karate" by linking all styles together and look at principles of movement , power generation, posture etc. All my senior Instructors have moved from traditional Wado to this way of thinking and I believe everyone is better for it. Thanks for asking , I hope that makes sense. Best wishes. ps. My Instructor is here next weekend if you would like to know more , or come and train with us. Details are posted elsewhere on this forum. Karate course with Derek Rigway 7th dan. ---------- Post added 10-10-2014 at 12:05 ---------- Here is the link for my Instructors course here in Sheffield. Sensei Ridgway started off in Wado and has trained with all the greats , Suzuki, Shiomitsu, Sakagami, Takamizawa and many more. Then becme a personal student of Tomiyama sensei , Sheeto ryu. ( I have to wirite it like that as it sensors the word S*ito when I post , ). http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1347089
  4. A good start this week, several new members in each class. Just to confirm that we are up and running. Get in touch if you are interested. Thanks. ---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 13:28 ---------- Still some places left in both these classes. Going to be fun.
  5. OOPS !! yes it is good value isnt it? I will now put the proper time. Thanks for mentioning it. ---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 13:34 ---------- Another great weekend of Karate coming up. Please get in touch if you would like to attend. Everyone welcome regardless of style. We have held several courses this year that have been well attended and all have been enjoyable and informative. Keep an open mind and make some new friends too.
  6. Seishin Karate presents. An open course with. Kyoshi Derek Ridgway. 7th dan. Chief Instructor . Kazokukai International. Date. Saturday 18th October. Time. 11am till 2pm. Venue. The Scout hut, 17 Botanical Rd. Hunters Bar. Sheffield. S11 8RP. Cost. £20.adults. £10 Juniors. Age. 12 years and above. Sensei Ridgway is Chief Instructor to Kazokukai International. http://www.kazokukai.com He regularly teaches in USA, Canada, India and throughout Europe. We are a multi style organisation that practise traditional Karate kata from all disciplines , linking them together through application practise based on common principles.Power generation. Rooting. Postural allignment etc. Sensei has trained with many of the worlds best karate practitioners including, Keiji Tomiyama. Minoru Higa,Masaji Taira,Kuniaki Sagagami to name but a few.Sensei was graded personally by Sensei Isamu Aragaki 10th dan,Okinawan Kobayashi Shorin-ryu.President of the Rengokai, Okinawa. We will be exploring karate principles and basics through Kobayashi Naifanchi kata.Then we will be studying Seiunchin kata from Goju-ryu and applications.Please dont worry if you do not know the kata. All styles are welcome to attend. Please get in touch with Phil on 07722462144 to book your place. Thankyou.
  7. Thanks for organising this thread. Great idea. SEISHIN TRADITIONAL KARATE SHEFFIELD. CONTACT. PHIL YOUNG 5TH Dan. Kazokukai International. 07722462144. Adult classes in Hunters Bar, Crookes and Meersbrook. Karate kids. Hunters bar, Meersbrook. Walkley and Crookes. All classes are £5 per session. There is no Joining fee but you will be required to buy an association license which is for grading and Insurance purposes, should you wish to train on a regular basis. Our karate is a blend of ****o-ryu (that word seems to be censored) kata syllabus / and Okinawan principle based methods of training. Training in all aspects of Traditional Karate (not modern sport karate). Our influences are from Derek Ridgway 7th dan Kyoshi. Kazoku kai. Patrick McCarthy. Koryu Uchinadi Kempo Jitsu. 9th dan Hanshi. Iain Abernethy. 6th dan. British Combat association. Wado ryu Karate. Steve Rowe. 8th dan. Shikon Martial arts. Isamu Aragaki. 10th dan.Okinawan Kobayashi Shorin-ryu. We are a small open minded group. Get in touch if you want to know more. Thankyou. 07722462144. http://www.kazokukai.com
  8. I have a similar background. I used to be concerned that I wasnt as good at my style as I should be as I have always sought knowledge from different styles and wandered about. But I dont really care anymore as I would like to think that i look at the bigger picture. I admire people who stay loyal to one style and specialise. But that is not my nature. After 30 odd years of practise I just practise Karate,style is purely of academic interest to me. I love studying the history of martial arts and the more I read the more I feel that my path is more akin to the old ways. MMA has had a massive impact on modern karate thinking.It got people thinking about what they are actually practising instead of just accepting what was being taught.But I now feel that MMA has been around for a very long time, cos thats the way it used to be, if it works , use it. Mavericks like Patrick McCarthy have shown people that it is ok to question and do your own research rather than be a slave to one way of thinking."Think outside the box" Horses for courses at the end of the day. Depends what you want from your art. I still have a long way to go in several areas, but where I am lacking I bring in other Instructors to teach us so we can improve. All my Instructors teach from a principle based application method, they all have their own interpretations according to their own experience, but generally all encourage you to research and make it your own as it was in the old days. Understanding principles is the key to open the door. Please get in touch if you want. Always happy to meet open minded people. Thanks. Good to chat on here.
  9. Depends on your understanding of what the word Tradition is in regard to Karate. We do basic kicking and boxing first to get you used to some basic weaponry and range and impact training (not kick boxing as in sport martial art), then bring it in close for close quarter (elbows and knees) Then learn how to receive (uke)move toward a bit of grappling , wrist locks, joint locks strangulations and chokes. At the heart of Karate training is kata. The ancient ideas of combat were passed on through learning forms. Okinawan karate deals with all the aspects of combat through the understanding of Kata, therefore my reference to tradition is that we train in a method that explores all aspects of martial arts in relation to self defence and not rule bound practise which is more common to sport/tournament martial arts.That is not saying that one is better than the other , or even that one style is better than another, all martial arts must function with an understanding of basic princilpes. Centre line, circles, power generation, posture, mindset etc. All martial arts under go change in style as they evolve. Modern karate has been no exception. I try to train how I believe they would have done a few hundred years a go, which is open minded and to quote Bruce Lee, "absorb what is useful.". My inspiration toward this way of thinking has been influenced by the work of people like Steve Rowe, Patrick McCarthy. Derek Ridgway and Iain Abernethy. I am continually learning and researching and respect all martial arts. Anyway... that was the long winded reply. Hope thats makes sense. Best wishes. PS. Old style karate was very influenced by a form of Okinawan Sumo wrestling fused with Chinese boxing.The Kata contain all the secrets of the Old masters... learning principles is the key to unlocking the secrets held within. Thanks.
  10. Here`s my tuppence worth. I teach Traditional Karate, not sport Karate. The difference being is that through our Holistic training methods you learn to grow with your martial art in body and mind. Principle based learning allows you to understand how Martial arts work in a safe and friendly environment applying yourself to self defence and self development at the same time. The sessions are geared towards getting a good sweat on and positive learning, through kick boxing, close quarter, basic grappling and groundwork, kata and functional application. Anyway..... Look for other threads on here under Seishin if you want class details. I am starting a couple of new beginners classes next week in Crookes and Meersbrook. We also have a class in Hunters bar too. Good luck with your search. Enjoy your training whatever you decide to do.
  11. Seishin karate presents 2 new beginners "Karate kids" classes in the Walkley and Crookes areas. Give your child the gift of learning a martial art. "It`s not just kicking and punching ! " Good health, Discipline,Focus,Respect,Anti bullying,Confidence and Happiness. BEGINNING TUES.30TH SEPTEMBER. 2014. Crookes. Wesley Hall. Upper room.Crookes. S10 1UD. Tuesdays. 5 till 6pm. 5 years and above. 5 pounds per class. BEGINNING .WEDNESDAY, 1st. OCTOBER. 2014 Walkley. Ebeneezer Church. Greenhow st.S6 3TN. Wednesdays. 5 till 6pm. 5 years and above. Sensei Phil Young is a 5th dan black belt with over 30 years experience. He teaches Okinawan karate (not sport karate) and is a member of Kazoku-kai International. http://www.kazokukai.com and trains under Kyoshi Derek Ridgway, 7th dan. Please contact Phil on 07722462144 for more information. The classes are aimed at beginners level, but more experienced karateka are welcome if interested.Thankyou. Also classes in Hunters Bar and Meersbrook areas. NO CONTRACTS, NO GIMMICKS.NO HIDDEN EXTRAS. JUST GOOD QUALITY TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ARTS. ---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 11:21 ---------- I believe everyone should try a Martial art, there are so many to choose from there is definately something for everyone. If you live in the Crookes or Walkley area why not give Karate a go? Enquiries welcome. We have already well established Childrens clubs in Hunters Bar and Meersbrook. Thankyou.
  12. SEISHIN KARATE,Sheffield, presents two new adult/teenager beginners classes. " It`s not just kicking and punching". GOOD HEALTH, FOCUS, SELF DISCIPLINE,CONFIDENCE,SELF PROTECTION. Crookes. Begins,Tuesday 30th September. 2014. Wesley Hall. Upper room. Crookes. S10 1UD. Tuesdays.6pm till 7pm. 5 pounds per class. Meersbrook. Begins,Thursday 2nd October. 2014. United reform church. 175 Chesterfield Road. S8 0RP. Thursdays.6pm till 7pm. 5 pounds per class. Seishin karate teaches traditional Okinawan Karate (not sport karate), from a principle based approach in a safe and friendly environment. Sensei Phil Young is a 5th dan Instructor with over 30 years experience and a member of http://www.kazokukai.com under Kyoshi Derek Ridgway,7th dan. Please get in touch to find out more. The classes are aimed at beginners level, but more experienced karate-ka are welcome. CONTACT PHIL ON 07722462144. NO GIMMICKS, NO JOINING FEE,NO HIDDEN EXTRAS. ---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 11:24 ---------- Learning a Martial art can be useful to you in so many ways. Why not give Karate a go. Beginners classes starting in Crookes and Meersbrook next week. We have a well established Adult and teenagers group in Hunters Bar already. Thankyou.
  13. Most excellent course today. Cheers to those that came down..... a real martial artist. : )
  14. I am already there dude. Cheers for the nod Garry.... really looking forward to it.
  15. Me again. Just a nudge to let people know about tomorrows seminar . This is a rare opportunity for people to come and spend some time with a great Martial artist here in Sheffield. Everyone has their favourites and we all have our own heroes. But every now and again we need to step outide the box and view what we do from a different angle. I suspect that a few people will not give it a second look because the words Tai chi are mentioned in the title.I dont mean to insult anyone, but I dont think many people actually know what proper Tai chi is. In fact , he isnt even coming to teach Tai chi. The purpose of this seminar is to relate principles of the Martial arts from a Tai chi system that everyone uses already, knowingly or otherwise and to show us how to access and improve them. How to root properly, how to power source correctly, correct mindset for training and fighting, breathing , posture and how to access our internal systems for the benefit of health and improve our martial arts. Steves Shi Kon system is the only school in the Uk that can acredit students to NVQ and city and guilds certification. He was head of group 4 security in the South East of England for many years. He has worked on doors. He has received personal instruction from Ma Lee Yang, head of the Yang family line who is based in Hong Kong. (one of only a handful of westerners ever to receive this privilege),He teaches law enforement officers. the list goes on. Why am I writing this ( it`s not even my promo )? Simple. I think as martial artists we have a duty to share what we do with other like minded individuals. In a world full of "fix it quick" and "my school is better than your school attitudes", we need people with real integrity and must seek out the best and most experienced teachers, because they are an increasingly rare thing, whatever your school. The martial arts are a life time study, we must all be open to learn from those that have gone before. See you tomorrow. Maybe? Thanks for your time.
  16. Hello. Just a quick post to say that the Kids karate class in Meersbrook will be starting again after the summer recess. Seishin . Traditional Okinawan karate. United Reform Church. Chesterfield rd. (opp retail park) Thursdays. 5 till 6pm.Commencing 6th September. £5 per class. Pay as you go. No contracts or hidden fees. Children of all ages from 6 years upwards. More details contact Phil. 07722462144. Or come along and say hello. We also have classes in Hunters bar. S11. Seishin karate is a member of Kazoku-kai international. http://www.kazokukai.com
  17. Martial arts are a big topic. Without going into specifics I would just advise that you should be aware of what you want from a martial art.Self defense, fitness, friendships,competition, status etc, and what each one has to offer.( This can take a lot of time in the beginning. Question everything until you are happy with your instructor, training environment and what you are learning. There are so may approaches to essentially the same thing,as long as you enjoy what you do and feel you are learning from your chosen art, then that is a good place to start. Happy training.
  18. Hi. A bit short notice. here are some details about a seminar here in Sheffield for all martial artists of any style. STEVE ROWE, Shikon Martial arts, Yang family Tai Chi. Saturday,1st September 2012. The seminar will cover. INTERNAL SKILLS OF MOBILITY.LIGHTNESS.ROOTING AND CONNECTION. COST.... £20. At the Scout Hut, Botanical Rd. Hunters bar. S11. For more info call Ruth. 07986515792 Steve Rowe is head of "Shikon Martial arts" based in Chattam, Kent. Well versed in Wado ryu Karate, Iaido ( Japanese sword ) and a practitioner of Yang family Tai Chi. With over 40 years of Martial arts under his belt, he is one of the most influential Western martial artists in Europe. Regular columnist and writer for many publications and regular contributor to World of Martial arts internet programme. (please see link below). I have known Steve for many years and have always found his approach to Martial arts training and philosophy very insightful. The principles he teaches are very accessible and of value to any martial arts practise. This seminar is open to people of any age or style and totally free of politics. Hope you can join us. Thanks. http://www.woma.tv/channels/IS/beyond-technique.html
  19. just a quick nudge. Kids karate is not on this week, Thursday 16th feb. due to half term. If anyone is intersted in their kids learning karate in the Meersbrook and Heeley area come and say hello , 5 till 6pm on thursdays. Thanks.
  20. Thanks for posting this. I am interested . I am a karate instructor based in hunters bar and meersbrook. Sheffield.
  21. Traditional Okinawan karate class for children 6 years and above. MEERSBROOK UNITED REFORM CHURCH. 173 Chesterfield rd. MEERSBROOK. S8. THURSDAYS 5-6pm. commencing 13th Oct. 2011.(welcome anytime after this date ). £5 per class. pay as you go. NO JOINING FEE/ CONTRACTS. Give your child the gift of learning a martial art. Taught in a safe and friendly environment by a qualified blak belt with over 25 years teaching experience. Kids karate is the childrens class of Seishin Karate, hunterts bar. A member of kazoku kai international. http://www.kazokukai.com please call for a chat. Phil on 07722 462 144 thanks.
  22. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=190888581090&v=app_2373072738#!/event.php?eid=119110854822347 Karma Allstars New years party @ Red House. Sheffield. Solly St. 9pm till 6am. £8 advance tickets, more on the door. Fancy dress. glitzy and fab. Seeing in the new year and saying goodbye to the legendary Allstars Parties. The organisers are moving on to other ventures in Life ,so this is your last chance to get down and party with them. Dj`s include a whole host of our favourite guests and the usual residents playing a crazy mix of everything danceable and more to one of the friendliest crowds around in the fabulous Red House. Follow the link for more in fo on our Facebook page for more info. Its Randomly fantastic..!!!! : ) Hope you can join us...... happy new year to you all . thanks.xx Karma Crew.
  23. Big thanks to all that made it down on Friday.....great fun and a usual good effort on the dressing up front....... Karma will back in action for New Years Eve at the wonderful Red House ....... details later. Thanks again.
  24. Yes indeed....the Allstars ride again thsi Friday for their annual Halloween mash up. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=108160482582073 10 - 4am. @Red house , solly st. sheffield. £2/3 b4 11. £ 3/4 after. (nus/non). A randomly fantastic selection of danceable music.In a spookey kind of way.Fully decorated pub and one of Sheffields friendliest crowds all dressed up and getting down to.... D.J`s include Tom Goose , a core member of the Wonderful Frozac team that has been creating and delivering some great parties over the last year or so. Tom will be bringing an eclectic mix with him to open up the party. A regular to the decks at karma is Mr. Johnny M.... the funk meister extraordinaire. One of the quieter members of the Planet Zogg crew (but no less important!)John will be thrilling us with his own inimitable style of all things groovey ,and possibly spookey for this event. Mr. James International...Sensei of mixing all things that shouldnt go together is back with us after starting up his own brand of lunacy at the increasingly popular "Blender" at the Vine. James has been a key player in the Karma posse over the last 3 years playing stuff that only he can. Very danceable, completely mad and wicked fun. As usual......Dill will be rounding of the night with a bad ass set of funky breaks/house and electro.!! Get down and get in......... get dressed up and lets party. See you there . Karma crew.xx
  25. The Red House is well known for its cozy out of the way approach to a good evening out ..... but for those that care to take note they have just started to do a grand selection of food to add to the proceedings...... check their facebook for more details.... have fun and dont be afraid to check this place out ...it really is a grand place to be .
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