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Everything posted by RED10

  1. Bring back Guy Fawks he had the right idea,ther is hardly any one with any back bone that will speak up for us, do you remember the guy a few years ago who got a whole lot of drivers together to protest about the fuel prices, he had the right idea. Isn't speaking up for the people who are getting shafted worth any thing, a lot of people would do more if more if we all got together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Margaret Thatcher started the rot, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown finished it off. Red
  2. Hi I was a junior in 1966/67 at George France, it was the hairdresser's to work in at that time. we had to pay a £50 bond if we signed the contract to work after six months but I changed my mind and worked did office work instead. It was a fantastic place does any one know what happened to Mr Andre and Mr Kevin, the whisper was Mr Andre's brother died or commited suicide in Paris not sure if this was true or just gossip. Red
  3. Yes the Wombell lived in the last house in the yard, we lived in the top house I remember Linny Wombell, and Janet not sure if this is right. Also a lady called Mrs Walker. Red
  4. Hi Milo007 We lived at 22 Berkley Road cannot recall the names Bill and Ivy Turner, but could be a few people you knew by sight. Hi phantom01 you were right the houses and our back yard was right next to the Don. Have you a brother called David Boldock. RED
  5. Yes the little wonder a fantastic chip shop, I do remember some one called Peter Boldock he went to Carbrook school didn't he we lived at the bottom of Amberley street number 95, mrs Egan's shop was on the corner. What was the name of your grandad and grandma who lived on Berkley road and what number house. Red10
  6. The adelphi and there was one further down from it the name escapes me at the moment but they were great with boxes just like the theatre. Red
  7. Hi my family lived on Amberley street then on Berkley road, we went to Carbrook school and my sister went to Coleridge road, the rec was at the top of Berkley road I spent many an hour on the swings. It was the best years of our lives we didn't have much but the memories will stay forever, has will the characters who lived it. Red
  8. I will vote for UKIP has I have the last couple of times, its about time we got rid of the three parties. Not one of them has any back bone let's vote for a party who will put us the people that have lived and fought for this country first get rid of all this political correctness and human rights, and we might get back to some normality. Red
  9. Hi I remember the herbalis's been in a few times happy times!!!!!!!!!! Red
  10. Hi I used to live on Amberley street, then Berkley road can any one remember the name of the chip shop at the bottom of Berkley road on the common. Red
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