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Everything posted by pearson158

  1. Hi Glenys is my middle sister. Yes Sister Mercy heavens above she was a terror!!!! We kids should have scared for life. My best recollection is of Miss Mallender and Mrs Gardener, but Mr Hermitage taught our elder sister Margaret at St Pauls and hated me with avengeance. Do you have a younger brother as I seem to recall a Bush in my year?
  2. Did anyone go to St Thomas More School On Creswick Lane at Grenoside. I went there 1963-1970 approx. My name was Yvonne Kelly. I had heard there was once a school reunion missed it.
  3. Yes it is... I am thinking of St Josephs. See I left St Peters after the 2nd year to go to Notre Dame that was a strict school.
  4. Where is St Pats Church is it still at Handsworth I know the school has gone now.
  5. Wow you know your shakespeare I used to have the Pee took out of me for that.
  6. Yes I have a sister called Glenys. We live on the same road at Treeton in Rotherham. She is 56. Whats your name so I can tell her.
  7. I recall Miss Cross the piano lady retiring and I was the lucky gorl that had to present her with her leaving gift. It was a Sale of Work night where all the parents came to school to watch their little angles song and dance. Wew put on a play Midsummer Nights Dream and I played Puck the donkey ha ha ha. Then we all dressed as footballers and sang "He's football crazy, he's football mad" and then I sat in that little room at the back of the stage pooing my pants as I then had to go and present this speech to Miss Cross she was right tall and lanky and had glasses on with grey hair. I remember the dinner lady he name evades me but she had a daughter there in my 1968oh & Mr Hermitage he was a nasty man hated him... He had a VW camper in orange. I loved Tommy Mores though it was a lovely school. My Name was Yvonne Kelly for all you oldies out there.
  8. Anyone remember Father Hurley??? always late for Mass, oh and his sermons used to go and on and on me (Yvonne Kelly) and my sister Glenys Kelly and Susan Liko used to sit yawning. We couldn't wait to get out. This was at the little church on Halifax Road.
  9. Thanks Truman. I have told her and she says yeah whilst she understands they are different but as she is on Employment Support she can not claim Housing benefits but if she was on Income Support she could. I never understood the system so she's a fine one to be asking me that question....But thanks for your help.
  10. Friend just asked me whats the difference in Employment Support (Income related) and Income Support. I have not got a clue on this one.
  11. Hiya can you give me the guys number who does the EPC's please as I want to sell my house. or txt it me on 07590381337
  12. Stevie1957 I was a skin bird. Grew up though when I met my hubby at 16.
  13. Myself and my 2 sisters went there Margaret, Glenys and Yvonne Kelly. Sister Mary was evil.......................................................................................... I went there in 63 for 6 months and moved to Foxhill so went to ST Thomas Mores at Grenoside. The nuns were evil there too. Sister Brendan 4 foot tall but jeeez she was an evil old B-----d . Now as I have grown up I realise how nasty the nuns were.
  14. liose ur wrong on that lv its bein proven wat it does lv
  15. I went to St Peters in 69 to 71 then went to Notre Dame. Mr Mc Nereney was the history teacher his son Peter is head of Calender news now days. My older sisters Margaret and Glenys Kelly were there Margaret 8 years before me and Glenys 4 years before she was best friends with Susan Liko. I am Yvonne most of you would say I was the quiet one. Mr Marsden was the Chemistry teacher and all the girls loved him. God knows why.......
  16. The firm called Strecycle is near Magna and it is used for the burning of limbs yes limbs as in arms & legs that have been amputated. They are sent from all Hospitals in the area. and this is true. Had it 1st hand (pardon the pun) The smell is really punjant. Good place tho for it...........
  17. We had those lights but on Boxing day over Treeton in Rotherham.
  18. I lived on PH flats 338 Long Henry Row. I even rember the old school been demolised and the new one been rebuilt. There was such a happy warm atmosphere inside the flats and I can remember the waste disposals that stank horrid and as soon as you walked in the door of yours or a neigbours house they made your stomache churn. We lived above the Link Public House and you never heard any noise or trouble. I can honestly say the lifts never broke down, but I do recall walking down the steps and there were even flats on the staircase. I remember the roof of the garages which had lines and snake like white painted paths that we rode our little 3 wheeler bikes on. Where was H&S in those days. Also there was the Brownies in the Community centre and the bread shop tht sold little hovis loafs for a halfpenny . I lived there from 1959- 1966 and then we moved to Foxhill we got an "exchange". I remember the doctor on Duke Street he wasn't very good as I recall according to my mum god bless her he nearly cost my sister her life... I live in Rotherham now and yesterday we visited Sheffield and I was amazed that the flats are now empty shells and you can see right through them and that the new PH school I watched as a child being built is just waste land now.
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