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Little Buzz

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Everything posted by Little Buzz

  1. It looks like the OP noticed the mistake some time before you posted. Be honest - you didn't read the first post did you?
  2. Oh blimey! This is not fantastic at all. In fact, it's bobbins. Me and the other puppets are going to have to live with Mrs Merton now, or Frank's mum. Blimey. There is a group on that Facebook to get Frank in the fantastic pop charts with his fantastic football song 'Three Shirts on My Line' - which you can watch here on youtube. All the money will go to cancer charities. I thank you. RIP Big Frank.
  3. So the curse the prophet 'called down' was entirely unrelated to them being almost immediately mauled by a bear? I wonder why it is even mentioned then - and I also wonder why your god made the bear attack them (or at least didn't prevent it)? What effect would the curse have so you imagine?
  4. From experience I would suggest you mean "as long as you sometimes go to enormous academic lengths and indulge in linguistic gymnastics to make the unpalatable bits mean something else. Can you explain what the bit where god sends a bear to maul and kill the children who mocked Elijah for being bald really means?
  5. I didn't say you couldn't. I asked why anyone would bother to take risks with their own capital and have the stress of running a business - and the sense of responsibility that comes with employing people - if they could earn the same reward (wages) doing a relatively stress-free job and without taking any risks. It it the promise of reward that leads people to take risks, such as starting new businesses - and it is those businesses being successful that make us all better off. I never suggested that. I don't think 'goodness' is measured in cash, but I'd love to know which part of my post led you to think that I might. What can't be disputed is that cash buys opportunities, both for you and you children. If I can earn enough to make sure my children have a good start in life, I can spend it to maximise the chances of my genes being passed on - which ultimately is what drives all of us. Care to explain?
  6. Because the desire to better oneself is in human nature. and as such is one of the key drivers that drew us down from the trees. Remove the incentive to do things and people just won't do them - why would I want to run the risk of having my own business and creating jobs and paying tax and providing consumers with more choice if I could earn the same in a job with no risk, no stress and which didn't benefit the economy?
  7. For a non-theologian who believes the bible, you quote Hebrew an awful lot in an attempt to make the bible say something that fits a bit more comfortably with modern morals.
  8. But if the mopper demanded £35k to mop, the shop owner could just employ any one of the millions of other people who are also able to do the job. It's the supply of qualified labour that keeps wages low. In contrast, the reason Christiano Ronaldo can preety much name his wages is that he has wealthy employers and skills that no-one else has.
  9. I don't know much about Allen Stanford (and less about Allen Stamford) but as I understand he ran some sort of investment company which is alleged to have operated fraudulently. If this is the case then the company has been selling things (investments) for more than they are worth by misrepresenting them. Without knowing more about it I can't say more than that - but in most cases of fraud it is found that the market has been manipulated. Being self-employed Mr Stanford was able to pay himself whatever he liked as the supply of people he deemed qualified to do his job was, I guess, just him. Generally if a company generates large profits it attracts competition, but obviously it is hard to compete with a company that is distorting the market.
  10. The price paid for labour is determined by supply of labour and demand for labour - the same as any other price. So if your skill is pushing a mop, you are competing in a market with lots of supply (most people can push a mop) - so the price paid for your skill (wages) is low. If your skill is being able to play football to a very high standard there is much less supply - by definition only a few people can be amongst the best footballers in the world. The very limited supply coupled with the high demand makes the price paid for the labour (wages) high. If you are not such a good footballer - second division standard for example - there is more supply, so the wages are lower.
  11. Everything fades away in the end Grahame. It's just a matter of time. It's delusional to pretend otherwise.
  12. Sad that god has failed to give you the words to convince people? Or sad that having god on your side makes no difference? What power would be required to 'revive' god - I thought he was all-powerful?
  13. Well quite. You'd think those with god on their side would be easily distinguished from those without ...
  14. At the risk of repeating myself, isn't that exactly what the taxation system does?
  15. because it'd be less convenient - the same reason anyone tries to park near their destination rather than miles away?
  16. What about someone who through their own endeavours has created a business that employs thousands and uses their wealth to invest in more businesses thereby creating more jobs? Richard Branson, for example - he risks his own money, why shouldn't he be rewarded? And if you imposed your arbitrary limit, what would be the incentive for him?
  17. What is a false god? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
  18. I thought there was only one god? How do you explain millions of people having an experience they call 'god' if one group is significantly wrong about it? I suggest that there are three ways this could happen: 1) there is one god, and he doesn't care about the details - him being god is the main point 2) there is more than one god 3) there is less than one god
  19. So you worship the same god, but muslims don't see Jesus as part of the rather strange 'trinity' concept. Is that the only difference? Is it really worth killing people for?
  20. Is there anything about Islam in this post at all Grahame, or are you hijacking the thread to try and promote Christianity again?
  21. The comparison being discussed, and which you rejected was between the koran and the old testament. To bring the new testament in is to change the comparison. The OT and the koran have similar approach - lots of rules, lots of violent punishment for breaking them. You cannot possibly dispute that.
  22. As others have mentioned, there isn't much to distinguish the violent excesses of the koran from the violent excesses of the old testament. But rather than let us guess your thoughts, why not explain them?
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