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Everything posted by bobby99

  1. Sorry been away - no we didn't complain, we just won't go again ---------- Post added 28-12-2013 at 16:43 ---------- Went there yesterday, service is poor and the main course wasn't too good either, have to pay £1.50 extra for gravy to go with Yorkshire pudd, meal too dry without it. Veg must have just been dipped in hot water. Small portions not available.!!!!!! The £1.50 price quoted is for a specialist Merlot Gravy, which is really the equivalent of a sauce and same price as the blue cheese, peppercorn or béarnaise sauces. According to the menu all Sunday lunch choices can be served as half portions at half price and a number of other dishes can be ordered in smaller portions along with a children's selection. ---------- Post added 24-12-2013 at 17:14 ---------- Why not! it gives them the opportunity to put things right and ensure things are better for the next customer and deal with the areas of underperformance whether that be staff, ingredients or the actual preparation. I agree if you didn't like don't return, but at least let them know why otherwise they will think all was ok. Sorry but we asked for a smaller portion and the waitress said they didn't do them and we were also refused a child's portion. I asked couldn't they just not put as much on the plate and we were given a blank look we were willing to pay full price for a smaller portion just so that I would not be over faced with too much on my plate.
  2. Went there yesterday, service is poor and the main course wasn't too good either, have to pay £1.50 extra for gravy to go with Yorkshire pudd, meal too dry without it. Veg must have just been dipped in hot water. Small portions not available. Puddings were nice but we had to ask for custard. Will give it a miss next time we eat "posh nosh"
  3. People who are unhappy and insecure go to see Clairvoyants - they make a fortune out of them. Try to sort your problems out yourself, don't throw your money away to these people.
  4. My daughter went to see her - she told her she would live to be well into her 70's. She got breast cancer later and she always said that YC had said she would live to her 70s. She died aged 39 but she never lost that faith
  5. Some so called clairvoyants will come to a house and read tarot cards for 5 or 6 people at £25 or more each - don't do it. Not a bad earner? Gift of the gab is all you need to make £150 in a couple of hours.
  6. Please don't waste your money on superstitious nonsense. These clairvoyants/spiritualists play on vulnerable people and make a lot of money out them. People go to see them when they feel insecure and unsure of their future or grieving for a lost loved one. Been there worn the tee shirt. I could tell quite a few true stories about some clairvoyants in Sheffield - so please keep well away from them and as someone else said give the money to charity.
  7. Hi csmith I have a bit of info about Tiny if you pm me with your email address I will send you some photos. I sent the same to kaz57 last year
  8. I have a couple of photos that someone on here kindly let me have I will email them to you. I don't really know a lot except that he lost a lot of money when he took on building some houses in Woodhouse with another builder and I was helping him try to get his money bach about 1964. I remember seeing him as a guest on "This is your Life"some years ago. He was a very nice fellow and he was very kind.
  9. OK ,four years later what are your opinions of Yvonne Clapperton & co now?? In all seriousness do you still believe this stuff? Did you find someone that can speak to the dead? I'm not being flippant I Googled Yvonne Clapperton and I got your SF post!!!
  10. I went to her and thoroughly believed every word she said... but not any more, put your money to better use.
  11. I did some secretarial work for Tiny Smith in the mid 1960', he was a bantamweight champion in the early 30's, he was quite old then he'd tried his hand at housebuilding. Very nice man he's lost his driving licence for life... don't know why, I never asked him.
  12. Thanks for that I have just bought it, it will be very useful. I don't think the Pierrepoints who were executioners are the same family as Pierreponts of Sheffield. 192.com lists several people with both names. Interesting though because I really do know that I have heard somewhere that Sheffield has a connection with the "hangmen" and indeed I was under the impression that the old shop in Attercliffe was that family business I hadn't noticed the missing i having not looked at it properly!!
  13. Can you point me in the right direction for Sheffield directory 1925 lists in fact any local directories that might help me with family tree... thanks lots
  14. The family originated from Bradford try this lead http://www.pierrepoint.co.uk/build/the_pierrepoints.htm very interesting wherever they came from:)
  15. The hangman was definitely called Pierrepoint... by the way, the film is on DVD and it's very good and in parts very sad. I bought if from Ebay for £5 I was lead to believe that an assistant hangman lived on Bole Hill Lane Crookes, I don't know his name, their identity was top secret at the time they were "working" does anybody know when their names became public? I got this from Wikipedia Albert Pierrepoint (30 March 1905 – 10 July 1992) is the most famous member of a Yorkshire family who provided three of Britain's Chief Executioners in the first half of the 20th century. He lived at Clayton, Bradford, Lincoln, Oldham and the Merseyside seaside resort of Southport. I don't think the Pierrepoint family in question came from Sheffield.
  16. the shop was called Pierrepont the hangman was called Pierrepoint with an I
  17. Is she expensive? Our local nail technician charges £18.50 for a fill up and 2 or 3 broken nails but she has a shop... probably more expensive??
  18. I would like this information too.. a nail technician to come to the house Thanks:)
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