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Everything posted by Lisalashes

  1. If the 15 minute call is clearly not enough time, it might be a good idea to contact the local authority to request a review. It would be then down to the allocated social worker (if there is one) to review care package and if needed put in more time to cover the tasks required.
  2. If social worker as determined 15 mins per call for tasks that need doing and it's not enough then it might be a good idea to ask for a review. It might be a medication call, reminding a person to take their meds, if thats the case how would you justify more than 15 mins. It does say on thread that carers are not turning up, if that's the case and they are being paid for service they are not receiving then that is fraud and neglect.
  3. The cuts are biting hard on the most vulnerable people in society. However If a care package say's 15 minute call then that is what care companies should/must provide. If there is evidence to suggest this is not what the care agency is providing then I would suggest this is fraud and should be reported to the relevant local authority. This is not to say that the carer is at fault, but the care agency expecting miracles from their staff. Only way to do something about it is to report it.
  4. I am planning on renovating existing outer house structure into a dining room. Main changes to structure would be to knock internal wall, using steel lintel for support. Patio doors and window to two external walls. I have been advised by Sheffield City Council to provide detailed drawings of proposed work using a building notice application. The question is can anyone recommend a person to undertake the drawings and an idea of the costs involved. Thank you in advance for any advice given.
  5. Just wondered if people would share their experience of Right to Buy and their valuation expectations.
  6. Hi From my experience of personalised budgets, the assessment process is slow because social workers are losing there posts and the social workers left are not able to cope with the volume of referals received. For someone on benefits they would be expected to contribute a minimal amount towards care. I have seen people's lives transformed using creative ways to meet outcomes, providing people with choice and control of the services they receive.
  7. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of using a anti barking collar please.
  8. Hi there, I hear gossip that Alpine Lodge at stocksbridge is a good residential care home. I dont like giving recomendations because choosing a home is a very personal thing however I dont mind passing on what ive heard. Good luck lisa
  9. I did a fast track last week. I arranged care funded by social services and i was waiting patiently for the discharge liasion sister to provide the intensive care nursing. Guess what? The PCT have overspent so nursing care could not be provided. This person died in hospital.
  10. This lady should receive healh funding. A CHC checklist should take place where it will become blatantly obvious this lady needs health input. You have no idea what your talking about.
  11. Hi I need a radiator relocating. Can anyone recomend a good plumber please. Thanks in advance:)
  12. when people are assessed social workers are guided by the FACS criteria when deciding what services can be offered. In Sheffield the level of the criteria is critical to substantial. Anyone below this level will not be offered services because the council are skint. The facs measures the risk of harm if the person does not get services. Might be a good idea to go on dwp website. Hope this helps.
  13. might be better to call Age Concern instead of email. I have worked there and know the staff would be concerned for this lady. I urge OP to call Age Concern.
  14. you could contact age concern who would go around to see what help they can be. If she doesnt live in the area they are contracted to they will refer her to another agency.
  15. I am currently doing a social work degree and am in my 3rd year. I personally think my degree will be worth while and I am on a steep learning curve and find it very demanding. I will be advising my daughter to go to university hen she reaches 18 as the country is in a recession and jobs are scarce. Hopefully this will give her higher earning potential in a career she will love.
  16. Hello Just want a bit of advice please. I will be going away for 2 weeks in February. Need someone to look after my lovely little westie Archie. I really dont want him to stop in a kennel and would much prefer for him to stop with a dog lover at their home. Is this possible and do you know trustworthy people who could provide this service. He is very loving and full of fun Lisa
  17. Hi everyone ive been feeling quite lightheaded and just wonder if this is normal at this stage in pregnancy. Thanks for all reples lashes
  18. There are cameras all over spital hill so whoever did it can look forward to a lengthy prison sentence.
  19. My prayers are with the family of Nicola. RIP Also praying for the recovery of her lovely daughter.
  20. Anyone would think Malibu and hettie were scientist, they speak with such conviction.
  21. Many years ago smoking cigarettes wasnt deemed a health hazard. You may be happy to have very optimistic view on this issue and that is entirely up to you. However my view is different to yours and I am also entitled to have views.
  22. If there is no health concerns the college would not be closed. I want educational establishments to be safe. Im going on the information of scientists who have studied this not the students and staff who havent got a clue about the possible health hazards.
  23. These issues are not just the OP's issues. They are infact an issue for the general public.
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