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Thirsty Relic

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Posts posted by Thirsty Relic

  1. Hi,

    You may have noticed that there is a football comepetion between nations starting on the 14th of this month - the European Championsips (or Euro';s for short).  I am holding a fun competition to add a bit of fun to it (I did the same last Euro's), and you are welcome to join in.


    Most of us (I know there are some ex-pats living in other competing countries) will be wishing England on, but my take is to pick 2 of the other nations to "follow".   That will give me an interest in other matches, and a conversation/banter with others (as it did last year), on this thread, and in the world famous Padders Bar.


    How do you play along?  Simply pick your 2 to follow and name them on this thread.


    To start it off, my 2 are:    Portugal and  Slovenia



  2. Are we really going to be safe from nuclear weapons by digging big bunkers for ourselves, while conscripting our youth, giving them guns and send them to board the boats to go across the water to fight Russians who may have got as far as somewhere in Europe?  Perhaps that digging and mass mobilisation would somehow repel the nukes?


    Somehow, I think not!


    Perhaps when/if Russia next goes to the polls, a Russian may say something like "Vote for me and our Nukes, otherwise the Brits will start digging holes in their own country and send all their kids on 18-30 holidays to us..., carring guns as well as cans of lager!".... in Russia of course.

  3. Wow - Congratulations :clap:on that major feat of engineering, logic, or....perhaps the emoji is indicating it was simply brute strength?  Do you need to redecorate after collecting enough of the product to eat from around the house?  You could advertise on SF for a decorator....

  4. Well Padders, I did the quiz and was really pleased that I didn't get less than 10, so I'll not join the Boy Scouts.  However, neither did I fall into any of the other categories either......  as I scored exactly 10.


    Hmm, you are an excellent forum member, excellent bar landlord, but as for scoring quizzes......



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  5. 5 hours ago, pattricia said:

    Wouldn’t you think after all these years that Fray Bentos had changed their tin to a better one, that could be easier to open ?

    I used to do the "Quick" crosswords, but stopped doing them as they were not really very challenging, so I moved to Cryptic ones. 


    Perhaps sales were dropping, and FB listened to customer feedback that they wanted a more challenging tin, so they made one that required a bit of (or a lot of in some cases) thought to get into.  Before people start thinking that can't be the case, people DO like challenges - how many people do you see walking the length of the Moor for a challenge as opposed to doing the Sheffield Marathon for example, or climbing the sand dunes at Mablethorpe as opposed to climbing Ben Nevis? 


    Worth thinking about ....

  6. At Morrisons, the price of a Fray Bentos has suddenly dropped from £3.25 to £1.99.....  I wonder if others are also having the same problem as Padders?  If so, surely they should also find a tool that can get into it, and sell them next to them?

  7. Thankfully, it's a bit cheaper at your place!  By the way, I'm still waiting for a pint AND before you ask, I'm moving slowly as I'm weighed down by all the "badges" I keep beig emailed by the landlords of the forum.  Not sure what's happening, but that's why I am a bit late in tonight!

  8. The first rule of Padders Bar is to not talk about Padders Bar - there are those on this site who are tying to close it down.


    It is an inclusive virtual bar, full of smashing people who pop in occasionslly for a few drinks (non-alcoholic are also sold), chat, get on, feed the parrot, watch the (large screen) TV, and so on.


    There are those (one in particular) who make up stories about odd goings-on, who try to give the place a bad name (as they have been barred in the past).  Sad, but a fact of life!


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