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  1. what are the concerns about the impact on local businesses there is already in spitting distance a large Sainsburys and a Morrisons Great idea keep a big space empty so it can be used 20 or so afternoons and a few evenings a year How would it degrade the existing cycle infrastructure apart from cyclists having an extra red light or so and anyway don't forget that many cyclists don't even bother to use the cycle paths provided
  2. Would it not be best to first find a job and then think about buying a house - do you want a difficult or expensive commute also if you are seeking a mortgage then having a job I would have thought was going to be essential
  3. Unfortunately your knowledge is somewhat lacking - the hotel was built as a safe haven to young people orphaned in the 1994 genocide, when up to 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.It is owned by the Rwandans and the Rwandans will have no problem in putting it to other use. British tax-payers' money has been funding the maintenance of the facility through a 462.7 million US dollar agreement signed by the two countries in 2022. (probably more than the cost of building new ones but the British government is not known for it competence when it comes to procurement)
  4. Ideal if something comes up would be Wadsley Park village (estate) at Middlewood where the tram terminates - modern houses on a nice estate. I can not really recommend other areas that have not already been mentioned . you might try emailing:- residentsupport@sheffield.ac.uk and they may be able to help find a house
  5. Welcome to Sheffield I don't know what you have been reading but it is not dangerous although like most cities in the world there are places to avoid I see people recommending Crookes and the like because they are "studenty" areas but you, with respect, are a mature student with family. You have a decent budget so look to the better areas of Sheffield with good access to the University (the tram is ideal)
  6. Can someone please explain to me why there is not the usual use of yellow lines or if temporary why not the usual cones to designate the no parking zones on parts of Rivelin Road and instead there are small blue police notices attached to some poles I don't have any issue with the road having no parking but having missed the signs I was under the impression I could park. It was only when walking back to the park I saw the signs and had to go back and move the car
  7. I do agree about the signage issue and resulting confusion a national issue not just Sheffield and one the DAfT should have addressed years ago
  8. Usually a bus lane is operative during the busy peak times only so why is this one 24/7
  9. for six buses an hour is it really necessary to have a bus lane. On Sundays the bus lane has I think one bus every two hours these days. Most of the jams are from the football ground up past Sainsburys and the retail center where all too frequently you move from red light to red light
  10. They spent a fortune on the bus lanes and associated works on Penistone Road for 6 buses an hour and even less on a Sunday lets hope this is better thought out
  11. Rwanda is really nice the country is clean, the people friendly, traveling around is easy as there is an excellent bus network, plenty of cheap accommodation, the scenery is stunning and of course apart from the Gorillas there is plenty of other wildlife in the parks. If you are doing it yourself then Rwanda is probably the easiest of the East African countries I have visited (others are Burundi, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda). Well worth a visit in my opinion last year was my 4 visit
  12. Have you never noticed that not everyone is the same and some have different household incomes, different family circumstances . Me I went to Cambodia twice, thailand twice and Rwanda last year and I know I am am not the only person living in Sheffield who went abroad last year
  13. To be honest if it was I would support it accurate info is much needed and it will be far better value than new liveries
  14. As it happens it was not a First bus and although the 31 is infrequent it happened to be the most convenient as it was due and I had ample time to get from my house to the bus stop. I often wonder why if First bus know where their buses are then why can the dot matrix not know (same applies for supertram)
  15. Much depends if they are accurate or works of fiction like the tram displays often are and the clowns in charge refuse to do anything about them because "sometimes the information is correct" unfortunately you don't know if the information is correct until the tram does not turn up Yesterday went to journey planer to look up bus times and it showed not only the time but the fact that the bus I wanted half an hour later was on time. Unfortunately it never turned up but even worse because of the misinformation I had a 15 minute walk to get to different bus stop to get alternative and a further 15 minute wait where as with accurate information I would have gone straight to the alternative stop to catch alternative bus and not been late for my appointment
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