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Posts posted by samssong

  1. Righto las week we perused the weather charts and TV forecasts from lands end to John O Groates ,Bloomin heck we cheered a full week of fine smashing weather to come ,a little dull now and then but (most important) not a drop of rain in sight .

    So we loaded up and set of confident that Hudson ,Keeley and Fish can't b e wrong ,they know all that there is to know about depressions from the Atlantic and heat waves from the Azores.

    Guess what for two days it <Removed> down and it was freezing to boot so we packed up the car and came back home early.


    Are these experts paid by results ,what are there credentials , can any one with a bunion or weather cone get a job stood on the telli telling us blinkin lies .

    I hate that Hudson.

  2. I've got a feeling it's between 11pm and 7am that you're not supposed to cause excessive noise.

    Edit - there are no laws, but rhe authorities are obliged to investigate if you make a complaint of noise between the above hours.

    Have a word with your neighbours, ask them politely if they could start work slightly later on a weekend if it bothers you too much. As Gamston said, it won't be forever, you may just have to grin and bear it for a bit longer.

    Do you know and get on with your neighbours?

    You obviously was not around Sheffield when all the giant steel hammers ,rollers and stampers were going full tilt 24-7 .

    You had to be one of the bosses and move up Dore and Totley to get away from the sounds that made you rich.:hihi:

  3. The last resting place of Princess Diane is due for a couple of million pounds makeover according to this mornings radio.


    So let us all take a leaf out of the Royal's book get down to the cemetery with scrubbing brush ,water bucket and clean up our loved ones plots.


    A couple of quid should be enough to do the job so as any spare cash remaining can be donated to the homeless or perhaps the local hospice.

    After it is done a nice bunch of flowers and a few memories will make us all feel that due respects have been served and is out of the way till next year.

  4. Is that the place with the tall, green, tube like structures sticking out of the ground???

    Nuclear shelter where Julie Dorrs and our council officers will bunk up when Sheffield gets flattened by the bogey men from outer space.

    They have supplies for two years .

    We will have to depend on them to keep the population going for the eventual return to build the new retail centre on Pinstone Street.

  5. another disgruntled employee let down by thatchers policies :hihi:

    I loved it when her gang stabbed her in the back ,I loved it when she was snotting into her hanky outside Downing Street wondering where to sign on or if there was a local food bank she could use just like she had done to the miners and steelworkers along with millions more low paid workers who's lives she had ruined.

    Sadly she just sat back and waited for the millions to keep popping into her and Dennis's bank account .

    A horrible woman who along with Scargill did more damage to working people than even Churchill could achieve ..

  6. Why wasn't he arrested and charged? Apologies if her already has been, but I thought misappropriation of funds was a criminal offence.


    In fact, Scargill's enemy the UDM boss, Neil Greatrex was jailed in 2012 for exactly that:


    No one ever knew how much money was donated.

    Outside Sheffield Town Hall you would see buckets overflowing with cash they would then be loaded into cars and taken who knows where .

    No sums were ever published and it would have made no difference as we could only take the the final recipients word for it ,who ever that may have been.

  7. Elections - the local count didnt even start until half past nine, other than the expected Labour landslide in the Parliamentary election there really isnt that much to report, is there?

    Traffic - reports every X minutes as per usual

    Football - what football? Nothing happening until tomorrow and Sunday

    Cricket - the number of people interested in local county cricket is minimal

    Cornets ,wafers,choc ices,loli pops, double deckers, ninety nines ,strawberry juice and choc bits.

  8. Turned over to our local station this morning thinking local topics would be on the air inc ,elections .traffic, football, cricket and so on.

    So what do I get !!!Ice Cream Gate.

    It seems as though the biggest story is where to get an Ice Cream, not only that but they have a roving lass reporter following vans around at 7.30 am hoping to taste a Corneto or suck a lolly pop.

    Back to five live .

  9. Where have the huge flocks of Crows gone ?

    Quite a sight once flying SE in the morning over Sheffield 8 from Ecclesall Woods to their feeding grounds, then returning in the evening.

    At least a hundred shot at Grenoside yesterday .


    The swifts and swallows have arrived today in the same region .

  10. But the problem is that the Labour Party long since abandoned any form of reasoned debate. Their MPs and councillors attempting to win power in places like Bradford have to come out with anti Israel rhetoric, and statements like the state of Israel should be wiped from the map, in order to gain power. It is what their voters want to hear because it is what their voters beieve themselves.

    Read "The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury" by Danny Lockwood if you would like to find out how these people really get into power.

  11. There is no freedom of speech when it is about Israel. This is a country that's costing so much to the American tax payer, they should make it their 51st state.

    Even the word "antisemitic" is a con, as most Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi, and have nothing Semitic at all. It would be more accurate to talk about anti-jewish and anti-Zionist, so in which category would her facebook post fall into?

    Some of the most vehement anti-Zionist can be found amongst the most religious Jews. I guess the Haredim and Hassidim are "antisemitic" for the western press - the irony!

    Meanwhile, all US army members accused of bombing senselessly a hospital in Afghanistan, killing 40+ people, have been cleared.

    Have you not read the thread title.

  12. Page 8 took so long to scroll through, that I forgot my point :hihi:




    It was that QT last night was pretty good. I thought Fox and Hoey (Cons/Lab) made good arguments, and they are both OUT EU. If that had been same two parties with both of them IN-EU like last week, I would have agreed with the pro-BBC bias [more].

    One panelist on Q.T. last night stated that the bankers advised us that we should vote to stay in this so called Union .

    THE BANKERS:hihi::hihi:

  13. of course thats not anti-sematic either is it?

    or narrow minded, or ill informed, or moronic.


    What if the tables were turned, and it was a prominent Jewish figure calling for all the Muslims to be rounded up and shipped off overseas????

    There would be a rent a gang stood outside OUR Town Hall on a Saturday morning complete with loud speakers and flowing banners calling for his head and the bombing of Isreal.


    ---------- Post added 28-04-2016 at 13:44 ----------


    It would probably also be one of the wealthiest states in America, now if Israel was a Muslim country it would be one of the poorest in the world and Muslims would be running away from it leaving it vacant for the Jews to move back in. :)

    It was a desert when they moved in and it would return to one if they are ever driven out.

    They made that desert bloom , they planted the crops and built the Industry for the benefit of all who live there inc the Arab population.

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