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Posts posted by BEDROCK

  1. Having had an appointment with Activity Sheffield this week.


    They suggested Slice / Life Cards for discounts on sports, leisure, entertainment and events.


    I was looking at doing more physical activities but having cards that help with other things are great.


    So are there any other discount schemes available in Sheffield that assist in a range of circumstances?

  2. I Used to work in a nursery, the cleaners were convinced the place was haunted, the nursery had someone come in to 'move the spirits on' and 'bless the nursery'. I Left not long after that so I'm not sure if the cleaners ever met the spirits again.


    It was the phantom duster at large !!! :hihi:

  3. Well, who can we call?


    I am needing someone ASAP to banish my demons once and for all.


    On a serious note, do we have any in Sheffield nowadays as am not aware of any religious ones ever happening in these parts even though numerous records exist of actual exorcisms in England.


    Not asking for Enfield Poltergeist levels of activity but would be interesting to know of various happenings around our quaint undead town, are there any society for psychical researchers residing here?

  4. Please confirm which Klinsmann you mean.


    Did you mean Jurgen Klinsmann?


    The former German forward Jurgen Klinsmann?


    The cheating Jurgen Klinsmann, who would dive for a penalty at every opportunity?


    The dirty Jurgen Klinsmann, who would fall over every defenders tackle and get them red carded?


    No thanks, I don't think we need Jurgen Klinsmann managing our national team. Even after our disastrous world cup exit, the country isn't that desperate.


    Half a century without success, we are very desperate !!! :help:

  5. I only went there a few times so cannot give you anything in depth but many years and clubbers who flocked from far and wide descended on the city to experience Sheffield at its clubbing peak over a decade ago, clubs like The Republic, Niche, The Unit, Insomniacz, Bed, Embrace, Club XS, Club Wow were all going toe to toe at some point and Sheffield it seemed was the centre of the universe as far as dance music was concerned, now it's all pretty much dead.

  6. Individuals have to mitigate their own actions i.e if I go to a football match is it likely someone maybe taking photographs, if it's reasonable to assume this will happen then I forfeit the right of having a strop/tantrum if someone takes an image of me as I ready know there is a likely hood of this occurring if I seriously object to this then my option is stay at home.


    As said before, public places are fair game, if someone wants to take photos of me in a park then feel free but if they trolled me round a shopping mall then they should accept my wrath !!!

  7. As JFK said: bands are staying around longer and playing live venues a lot more. But what I meant to say is that bands are now judged on their live performance far more than their album performance. If you listen to various 80's/90's albums and see how those artists performed live it was a major contrast - these days, if you can't put up a good show, you won't make it.


    As a posed to Michael Jackson who dominated everything for many decades.


    I think that singles are far more popular than albums nowadays.


    I mean can anyone name one stunning iconic album in the last decade, I think not.


    I also think most tunes are disposable nowadays, 1 hit wonders, no longer having staying power.


    Tunes from the 70's / 80's / 90's and to some degree the 00's, tunes had cultural impact on society.


    Nowadays it is all YouTube and who can get the most hits / shares on a particular website, quality has vanished.

  8. According to this article http://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2014/jun/22/end-of-the-hipster-flat-caps-and-beards ultra trendy 'hipsters' were responsible for the latest fashion of bushy beards.

    But according to trend spotters such as Peter York, hipsters are passé now, (well they are in London according to him) - so that'll mean that they'll be uncool in Sheffield in 10 years time. :hihi:

    On a personal note I quite like a man with stubble - but bushy beards are repulsive :gag:


    What about bushy beards and bold heads ??? :hihi:

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