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Posts posted by BEDROCK

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/earth/earth_timeline/earth_formed#p00fzss4


    As the molten rock that formed the surface of the young earth began to cool and solidify, gases bubbled up out of the seething interior of the globe and escaped into the atmosphere that surrounded it. Here they collected together into great clouds of water vapor. When these clouds became heavy enough, the moisture condensed and began to fall back to earth in the form of rain. But the surface was still red-hot, and as the falling rain-drops approached it, they boiled away and returned into the upper atmosphere as vapor.


    You can see how this happened by heating a griddle on a stove. When the griddle is hot, slowly drop water on it from an eye-dropper. You will see that as the drops of water touch the hot surface of the griddle, they immediately boil away as steam vapor.


    So, for probably millions of years, the earth was surrounded by a heavy blanket of rain clouds that was many miles in thickness - endlessly condensing, falling as rain, and then being being boiled back up into the sky again.


    Then, slowly, the earth's crust hardened and cooled. And at last the surface rocks became so cool that their heat would no longer boil water. And the rain that had been collecting for all this millions of years up in the thick blanket of clouds began to fall in a never-ending torrent.


    For hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, the rains came pouring down in a solid cloudburst. They leveled off mountain ranges and cut great valleys in the earth. And when at last the deluge had slowed and stopped, the lowest levels of the earth's wrinkled and folded crust had been filled up with water. These were the first oceans

    I know that some planets have water but nothing in such vast quantity as earth.












    No it wasnt there from inception.




    Not from this map which illustrates what happens if all the ice melted. the oceans could dry up in a billion years though, just in case you still havent managed google by then.





    You have the internet at your fingertips. If you use google it can find you the answers to most things.


    Wow thanks for that, very well put, pint to you sir :hihi:

  2. Could be a good thread to discus anything and everything related to the natural world.


    I have always wondered how the sea was born and where it come from?


    I know that some planets have water but nothing in such vast quantity as earth.


    How was earth formed and was it originally made up of mostly ice as am sure it must have been.


    Was the sea there from its inception and will there ever be a time when the sea will devour all land?

  3. Think we are nearly making the same point. My point would be that there are other factors which affect emergency services in a far greater way that the scaremongering warnings that were being spouted on here. Lack of ambulances due to funding or going on strike would have a far greater effect on patient safety for everyone than having to cross yesterdays course. We dont hear the same person commenting on that.


    In your circumstances, then if youd have gone to the police and stated it was an emergency I really cant see them not escorting you across or letting you cross at one of the access points as a matter of common sense. Considering the sheer volume and movemement of people then the organisation and planning for the event appears to have been a massive success.


    The other point about an event organised by the council, then I agree completely with you.

    The trick of weekend was about Yorkshire and not any individual city or town. I would much prefer to be involved in a collective thing with Verity et al who understand what they are doing than some attempt by the SCC.


    ---------- Post added 08-07-2014 at 10:20 ----------



    Do you think he even watched it?


    Going on the cancelled marathon shambles...


    I would not let our council anywhere near it !!!

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