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Everything posted by philosophy

  1. Yes they do. He will have an enlarged prostate which comes with age so frequent trips to the toilets are needed, if he doesn't go often then he will get a bladder infection....he may have prostate cancer but he may not either..on this subject, you just got to go with what they say
  2. Yes it's fake, Derek acorah was a fake too, he was set up by O'keefe and proved one..
  3. Read it properly.. America are behind the syrian crisis, they want to secretly control syria so they can remove Iran..
  4. But it is plotted, noone here is suggesting that rape is not serious... Ya all being taken as fools
  5. But america are there. Fred Burton is behind this...governments are cretens and so are liars, liars never tell the truth because cretens are always liars
  6. I am very worried about the American governments actions.. They could cause nuclear war if Iran has them.. Assange will have been secretly followed by secret agents sent from America and then my guess will they have offered this women money, alot of your tax payers money that is
  7. I love this guy, he knows what going on too....watch him rip the senate apart, that is one of his highlights of his career...Hehehe....only person in our politics with balls
  8. What evidence is they you want me to submit, apparently it's all lies.. The evidence is logic and is more reliable than your or governments evidence..... You said you was in Vietnam war but I know this a lie too
  9. Yes that is why he is a coward and a hypocrite. Ecuador will have made a deal with him to make sure he never says anything about them.
  10. They is no point debating the charge. It exists and that is what they trying to pin on assange as an excuse
  11. Yes america have already said they will not seek the death penalty on manning.. They said this
  12. None is suggesting the allegation doesn't exist, it does but it's politically motivated, that's all it is..
  13. Yes I know, that's why he is holed up there coz he knows going back to Sweden will see him in America, in my opinion he should go back to Sweden, he has a good case on his behalf I would say, but then he hasn't got a good case on America's charge as he isn't denying he didn't publish secret information but I believe he could take on america and show them to be liars at least.
  14. Don't know, is he saying he will go to Sweden? I'm not watching the news
  15. Fred Burton and his cronies are behind this, in my eyes he has no case to answer because of the facts of the women
  16. Because if Sweden go there then they will know they can't arrest him so they will be no grounds for British police to arrest him, thus allowing him to Ecuador, and the americans don't want this.
  17. Yes america have said they will not consider the death penalty on Bradley manning, so assange will not face the death penalty
  18. The americans are behind this, whatever you say does not deny this fact..they have been working on this charge for a while.. Assange may be a coward but he's not a rapist or molester or whatever you want to call it....Fred Burton is a criminal
  19. Yes I shall find out information on the films and pick one that interests me....
  20. Yes it is worrying for him, he will be sent to a military prison where their henchmen will beat him regular more likely....to hold him for over 800 days without charge just shows what they are
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