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Everything posted by angelbaby1

  1. I manage a small team, and as far as our H.R rules go, one absence of 5 weeks over the past 12 months should only be classed as 1 spell of absence, not 5 individual instances, so you wouldn't invoke a disciplinary meeting. Not sure if all companies have the same rules though
  2. Just wondered if this was a young black and white cat by any chance? I know someone who has lost their cat in Kimberworth.
  3. I thought the school was supposed to be part of the community? It just feels like in this case that once kids are outside the school gate any interest in the childrens behaviour is lost. The behaviour outside of school has definately got worse in the 10 years we've lived here. Also when I was at school (not Wintehill/Old Hall) there was an expectation that our behaviour to and from school reflected on the school as a whole.
  4. maybe it reflects the reality inside the school gates but not the reality of living near to the school, for us unfortunate residents who have to put up with behaviour of kids coming and going - shouting, swearing, littering, walking out in front of cars as slowly as they can morning and evening. Maybe they should do some lessons in how to be a responsible person outside school too? Get them doing some litter picking on the field next to school! Glad thats off my chest!!
  5. Here's Penny, adopted from Thornberry 11 years ago. This is on her annual holiday to the seaside, she loves the beach, even though she's getting on a bit. ---------- Post added 23-01-2013 at 09:46 ---------- And sadly one for the Rainbow Bridge section, but we gave him a good few years with our family ---------- Post added 23-01-2013 at 09:50 ---------- Finally the 'pack' all together about 6 years ago
  6. So sorry honeyb. I always say a little prayer when I see a memorial at the side of the road xxx
  7. The memorial on the side nearest to the motorway has been there for a few years now, I think the result of a motorbike accident. The other one, opposite the botom of Droppingwell Lane appeared a few weeks ago, I use the route to and from work most days. The road was blocked off one tea time just before Christmas but I never heard about what happened.
  8. Never heard of these before but we have a problem with our garden and urine patches.I'd love to give them a try - (well not me personally) Anyone know where I can buy them from from and is that what they're called - Dog Rocks?
  9. Designated staff car parks are open from about 7am I think, but most car parks open about 9am (mainly to stop staff from parking in them!). I think the car parks do close at night usually after the last film at the cinema ends, so about midnight.
  10. I live just around the corner from Mark (although I don't know him or his family personally), but just feel so sad for the situation. Do you think there's anything more practical we could do apart from spreading the word?
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