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Everything posted by jaybee100

  1. Does anyone have any experience of using RoofinginSheffield for acrylic roofing jobs?
  2. You will enjoy it - particularly as they are doing so well at the mo! I remember when they used to fill the Arena stadium but I believe it isn't like that now - anyhow in terms of preference for seating - unlike the earlier messager, I prefer to sit on the section above but at the front, so I can see the whole rink and get the full perspective of the match. Go there and enjoy!
  3. A 20 mph speed limit was introduced in my local area about 18 months ago, and I must admit I thought the same thing, that probably it wouldn't have the desired effect, and that it was if nothing else, extremely annoying, particularly for those people actually living on the road. However, there has definitely been a speed reduction on this road, but I would argue this is mainly due to the height of the speed humps used, rather than the notices confirming at 20mph speed limit!
  4. Is this just an internal "disciplinary" or something more formal? It does seem rather strange and frankly not very good HR practice for no-one to forewarn you to expect something of this nature. Also, if you have the time I would definitely see whether there were any reports of the incident reported in the press so that you can corroborate your statement. Definitely at least you should be allowed to take in a colleague with you, and I would advise you to plan your statement VERY carefully and ask for a written transcript.
  5. Totally agree these lights are just downright dangerous - whether they are coming at you from the front or actually in your mirror at the rear they are at best "distracting" and at worst a serious accident waiting to happen. What makes then worse also is the number of speed humps around Sheffield, meaning the lights are constantly bouncing behind you! I think they should be banned!
  6. For the quick fix did you think about trying the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital in city centre? - if it's an emergency they may be able to fit you in? You can then find your own dentist at your leisure?
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